TaskAnalysisContentoutlineVicki Lee

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FRIT 7233-Fall 2014

Dr. Elizabeth Downs

Vicki Lee

Instructional Screencast Task Analysis/Content Outline and Script
for using the animated presentation website: Powtoon.com

Task Analysis:
1. The first step is to get on the internet.
2. Next, go to www.powtoon.com.
3. Click on Sign up for free in the upper right corner of the screen.
4. Enter a username, you can use your email address, and add a password
5. You will then be at the Powtoon Dashboard where you can start using Powtoon.
The Dashboard will contain all of your edited Powtoons.
6. Click on the blue button labeled Create a new Powtoon.
7. You will be at the select an awesome template page; select a template by
clicking it or click the blank template you can customize. Any of the templates
can be modified how you wish.
8. The templates categories are on the left side of the page; you can filter the results
or scroll through the templates to find which one you want to use.
9. All the templates are free to use except those that have premium label across
10. After you select a template, click edit; this will take you to the editing
screen. For practice, try using the Teacher Intro template, click it, then edit
11. The slides that will show on the final presentation are on the left, the
preview screen is in the middle and tools are on the right. You can click on the
slide or use the right arrow at the bottom to advance the presentation.
12. On the slides, click on the words you want to change, you can add words or
delete those on the screen by clicking the words, then hitting delete. You can add
words by typing them in.
13. You can change the cartoon characters to any of those shown on the right.
Just delete the one on the screen by clicking it and hit delete. You can drag and
drop any text effects, background, characters, animations or transitions from the
selections on the right.
14. When you finish, you can preview by hitting the play from start slide
button at bottom left (looks like a counter clockwise circle with arrow).
15. After you finish and like your Powtoon, hit save (looks like a file) in upper
left corner.
16. If you choose to publish the Powtoon on Youtube or Wistia for free, change
the format from slideshow to movie at upper left corner, slide the button to movie
and save it.
17. The Powtoon can then be viewed on YouTube or Wistia; you can get the URL
or embed code from YouTube or Wistia.
18. You can always play your Powtoon from your Dashboard account without
publishing on You Tube or Wistia.

Script: Using Powtoon
Step Action on Screen Narration
1 Gain access to the
The first step is get onto the internet using a
web browser of your choice, Google chrome or
Internet Explorer, Firefox. I will use internet
2 Do a web search for
Powtoon.com or type
into browser
Next you will search for Powtoon.com on the
3 At Powtoon.com home
screen, go to login in
upper right corner
At the Powtoon website, you need to create a
user account free; you can use your email
address and make up a password.
4 This will put you at the
Powtoon Dashboard
When you get into your free account, you will be
at the Dashboard, which is your Powtoon home
5 Click create to make a
new Powtoon
Click create to make a new Powtoon
6 A variety of
presentation templates
will appear; scroll down
the screen to see all
available to choose
This will take you to the presentation templates,
all except those that indicate premium is free
to use. You can select one or chose the blank
one to create a presentation from scratch. We
will use the Teacher Intro one for a sample.
7 Click on the Teacher
Intro template; the
template will load on
the screen, when edit
is selected, the
template and tools will
I will click on the Teacher Intro template; then
click the edit button on the template. The
template will load along with the tools that are
the effects, characters, transitions and
backgrounds that you can use to customize your
8 The text on the screen
will change to what you
Click on the teacher intro screen, type in your
name; change any text you want, or add your

9 Click on the characters
and scroll to find the
one you want; click and
drag one to the
presentation slide.
Click the characters on the right, scroll down
and find one you want; drag that one to your
presentation on the left.
10 When clicked, the slides
can be changed; click
the Goals on slide 6 to
change the text for
your class. Click +
add slide to make a
new slide.
Add your own information on the slides. On slide
6 you can insert your goals for the class. If you
want to add more slides, they can be added by
clicking the + in upper left corner to add a
11 Clicking the rewind
button in lower left
corner plays the
Powtoon from the
Click the rewind button in lower left corner to
preview how your Powtoon will play.
12 Click movie or
slideshow mode from
projection modes in
upper left corner.
Chose the projection modes from the upper left
corner, move the slider to slideshow or movie
mode. Movie mode is better for YouTube
13 Go to and click the save
Click the save icon in upper left corner to save
the Powtoon.
14 The finished Powtoon is
on screen
If you want to just play the Powtoon from your
Dashboard account, you do not have to publish
15 When publish is clicked,
a share page will load;
chose upload to
YouTube or upload to
The share page will load after publish is clicked;
you can chose how you want to share the
Powtoon. If you chose to upload to YouTube,
you need to have a YouTube channel, if you
dont you can go to
https://www.youtube.com/create_channel to
create a You Tube account; (uploading to Wistia
is also free with a Wistia account).
16 Click X in upper right
corner to go back to the
Powtoon dashboard,
clicking under your
name, click log out of
your account.
Click X in upper right corner to return to
Powtoon Dashboard; when you click under your
name, you can chose logout to get out of your
Powtoon account.

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