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Key dates:

Wednesday 3
September First day of

9.30 am Friday 12
September Meet
the teacher

9.15am Thursday 9
October Harvest

Monday 20
October School photos

Friday 24
October Last day of
Autumn 1 before we break for half term

To start our new term we will be thinking about Beginnings. We will
share the new beginnings we have experienced and learn about The
Story of Creation. Following this we will look at signs and symbols and
think about their importance within the Church. We will also look at
Hinduism and the Puja.
In literacy we will be learning about stories from familiar settings
and using these to describe characters and settings. We will look at
how to write instructions and lists before ending the half term with
our first work on poetry.
We will begin by reminding ourselves about number and place value.
Following this we will start to think about multiplication focusing on
our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Towards the end of the half term we will
begin to look at 2D and 3D shapes, learning about their names and
properties. Lastly we will learn about units of measure, finding out
how we measure time, capacity, length and money.

This term we will be learning about algorithms and how they are used
to make computer programs. We will then start to find out how to
create our own computer programs.
We will also use the internet to help us research our work.

Art & DT
This half term we will be designing, making and evaluating our own
vehicles. The children will need a shoe box for this so please send one
in for your child.
This half term we are focusing on gymnastics. We will be learning
about travelling and balancing as well as using the wall bars!
Please remember to remove earrings on Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Fridays for P.E. , multi-skills and swimming as necessary.
Welcome to Year 2
Autumn Term First Half
How you can help your child
Please read with your child
everyday. Wherever possible try to
support your childs comprehension
skills by asking questions about what
they have read. Words such as
Who?, Why?, When? and How? are
always good starting points for
these questions.
To help your child with their maths
encourage them to count in twos,
fives and tens. Looking at word
problems and identifying the key
words in the question which tell
them whether the question is asking
them to add, subtract, multiply or
divide will also help them in their
maths lessons this term.
Topic work
Our topic this half term is

Science This half term we will be
learning about living things. We will
begin by looking at the differences
and similarities between humans and
other living things. We will look at
groups in the animal kingdom and how
they are classified. Also we are going
to learn about senses and why they are
important to different animals.

In history we will be learning about
communication. We will begin by
looking at how communication has
changed throughout history and how
we communicate today. We will also
learn about the history of the
telephone before we design our own
telephones of the future!

PSHE We are looking at rules,
feelings and relationships we have with
our friends and families.

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