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Target Indicators and Categories:

Category 1- Student Achievement and Intervention

1. Information Literacy: (P) The media specialist is developing lessons that help the students
needs, but we feel like she should have her assessments in the format of what the Georgia
Milestone test will look like. This will help to prepare the students for the questions that will
be on the test.

2. Collaborative Planning: (P) The media specialist needs to spend a little more time
collaborating with the teachers to make sure they are on the same page when it comes to
the different lessons in the media center.

3. Professional Library Media Staff: (P) The library media specialist and teachers need to come
together more often to make sure they are all making sure they are working towards making
sure they are preparing students for the Georgia milestone test.

4. The library media center resources encourage reading: (E)

5. Services are provide to students: (E)

6. Student Achievement: (E)

7a. State mandated library service requirements: (E)
7b. State mandated full- time library media Specialist requirement: (E)
8. Flexible Scheduling: (E)
9. Square footage requirement (E)
10. Streaming video throughout school (E)
11. Print and non- print resources and access to online information (E)
12. Efficient resource management and access to an OPAC (E)
13. GALILEO access and instruction provided (E)
14. County media contact: (E)
15. County/ Administrative Support: (E)
16. Library Media Advisory (E)
17. County Approved: (E)
18. Library Media Budget: (E)
19. Library Media Staff: (P) The media staff will continue to host different professional
development opportunities to offer teachers support in different areas that they may need
it in.

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