Light Lower Level

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Science A to Z: Light

Reading Guide: Main Idea

(Gr. 2 High Level) Roadway on Cover
Name: _______________________

Date: ______________________

Read the book and answer the questions. Use the glossary to help you
with some of the vocabulary.
Page 5
1. What main question does this page answer?
2. What is the answer?
3. How does your sense of sight work?

Pages 6
1. What main question/idea do this page answer?
2. What are the two types of natural light sources? Circle the most
important one.


3. What are the two sources of man-made light we have?


Page 7-9
1. What is the main idea of page 7?


2. Fill in the blanks (You may have to think about your answers and
infer using the pictures.
Light does different things when it hits different materials. It
______________ _____________ clear materials like a __________.
A little bit of light soaks into this object and a little bit bounces off.
Clear materials are called transparent. Only some light goes
through materials such as a_____________ . These type
of materials are called translucent. Materials such
as a _________ are called opaque. No light can pass through
3. What happens to the light when objects block some or all of the
4. What kinds of objects reflect most of the light that hits them?
5. What happens to dull or dark things when light hits them?

Page 9
1. What is the main idea on page 9?
2. What are two ways that light moves?

Page 11
1. What is the main idea on page 11?

2. How does light turn into heat energy?

Page 12-13

1. What is the main idea on these pages?

2. How do shadows form?
3. Why is your shadow sometimes smaller or bigger?
Page 14-15
1. What is the main idea of these pages?
3. When all the colours are mixed together, what does the light look
4. Why does a polar bears fur look white?

5. Why does a black cats fur look black?

6. What causes something to be a certain colour?
7. Circle One:
We see a colour when that colour is absorbed/reflected?

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