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The organization shall be known as Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast, (PME).

The charity of PME will be The Childrens Hospital of The Kings Daughters, (CHKD).
The PME Charity of Choice for the Peninsula Town Center show will be CHKD. Other
shows with a different charity may be presented to the Executive Board for consideration
and approval by the membership.

The purpose of the club is to promote the enjoyment of individuals with similar interest
in the Ford Mustang and support the clubs charity of choice, CHKD.
Change the clubs charity of choice, CHKD to the clubs charities of choice.


Club Officers and Executive Board will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer and Event Chairmen. Officers will hold office for one year or until their
successors are elected and installed. Nomination and election to the offices/committees
will be in November and the installation will be in December. All members in good
standing may vote during the election.
Change title Offices and Officers Duties to Executive Board Members.
Remove Club Officers and Event Chairmen from paragraph.
Paragraph should read: The club Executive Board will consist of President, Vice
President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Voting members of the Executive Board include
President, Vice President and Treasurer. In the event that 2 family members hold any 2
of these positions, then the 3
vote will revert to the Secretary.

Executive Board Members

Guide the Club by using its authority to make all major decisions regarding Club business
and activities.
Be active in committees and committee leadership.
Support the Club forum by submitting periodic post of the club forum. Each board
member should strive to submit at least one post per calendar month.
Change word post to read posts.
Lead the Club by example putting the Club and CHKD above all else.
Change to read Lead the Club and the clubs charities by example.
Conduct all General Membership, Executive Board, and special meetings as necessary.
Appoint the various committee heads to serve during his/her term.
Change Appoint to read Approve.
Motivate members to become involved in as many Club activities as possible.
Serve as the Clubs secondary Treasurer tracking all expenditures.

Vice President
Support the President and act in his/her place as required and when requested.
Serve as liaison between CHKD and Clubs major sponsors.
Change CHKD to read clubs charities.
Keep informed of all Club activities and administrative actions, with particular emphasis
towards the financial status of the organization.
Settle any disputes between club members and enforce any resulting actions.
Select two other PME members and perform an independent review of the clubs financial
records. Present the findings to the Executive Board before the January meeting of the
following year.
Record, compose, print, deliver, and maintain the minutes of all Executive Board and
General Membership meetings, and other meetings as requested.
Remove print, deliver.
After Executive Board approval, submit meeting minutes to the forum.
Remove after Executive Board approval.
Serve as the repository for the Club documentation, written history, and archives and
assist Historian.
Remove and assist Historian.

Organize and keep records of all Club financial transactions.
Develop a proposed annual Club budget for approval of the Executive Board.
Serve as the Clubs primary check writer. Checks for the purchases and debts in excess
of $200 require approval of the Executive Board.
Approval of the budget by the Executive Board will act as approval of any item over
$200 in the budget.
Prepare monthly financial status report and report it in writing to the membership
Change to Prepare monthly financial status report and present at monthly meeting.
Provide financial reports and data for the Executive Board as requested by the President.

Committee Members
Support the Executive Board with all events and decisions.
Take full responsibility for your area of the club and club business. Insure complete
follow through of your given task.
Support the club forum by submitting periodic post of the club forum. Each committee
member should strive to submit at least one post per calendar month concerning his or
her committee.
Change post of to posts on.
Serve as Members Welfare representative, sending cards and memorials as necessary.
Provide other spiritual guidance and advice as requested.
Present the blessing for membership as required at Club gatherings.

Event Chairmen

Establish a schedule of tasks necessary to prepare for each event.
Appoint task leaders to efficiently conduct all aspects of the event, as deemed necessary.
Coordinate with the Treasurer to develop an event budget to present to the Board for
Begin execution of the plan to prepare for the event no later than four months prior to the
Change no later than four months prior to the event to in a timely fashion to ensure
success of show.

Membership Chair

Distribute and maintain all membership paperwork (applications, membership lists, etc`)
for the Club.
Develop, coordinate, organize, institute, and conduct an effective new-member
recruitment program.
Coordinate with the Treasurer; insure that the membership dues are rendered in a timely
fashion, and in accordance with the PME by-laws.
Maintain a valid and current roster of members.
Contact members telephonically, via email or in person to ensure that those dues
delinquent members are sincerely encouraged to remain in the Club.

Historian/Scrapbook Chair

Develop, maintain, and present the annual scrapbook of club activities to document Club
Coordinate with the Executive Board, Webmaster, and other club members to collect
articles, photos, and other information concerning club events.

Club Property Manager

Develop and maintain a complete inventory of all PME physical property.
Maintain a sign-out sheet system to pinpoint the location, use, and person in possession
of each item.
Conduct an annual review of all property. Take any action required to repair or replace
items, or dispose of apparent excess property. All actions of this nature will be approved
by the Executive board.

Club Photo Manager
Act as repository for club photo storing electronic copies of photos and movies from all
Produce slideshow, flyers and video presentations to be used at events to help recruit new


Design, construct, initiate, and maintain the Club website. Promote club interest in
upcoming events and functions by bringing them to the attention of the membership via
the Club website.

Members and Membership

Member must demonstrate a sincere interest in the enjoyment of Ford Mustangs and are
individuals who either own a Mustang or are Mustang enthusiasts.
All new membership applications must be accompanied by a completed membership
form and payment of dues.
The spouse/companion, immediate family members have the same benefits; however
voting rights are limited to one vote per membership.
Club dues are $20 per year. Dues must be paid by close of business at the March meeting
of each year or the member will lose their membership number. Dues for new members
will be $2 for each month remaining in the year starting in April, not to exceed $18, with
no less than $10 being paid in a year.
The membership of any club member may be terminated for conduct unbecoming a
member of Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast. An affirmative vote by at least ! of the
members present at a regular meeting is required to terminate membership.
The club will sponsor other activities in addition to the membership meeting, (Tides
baseball game, Arena Racing night, etc). Members may be asked to volunteer and/or be
assigned specific months to recommend an activity for club participation. The decision
to hold these events will be made based activity, participation and/or other criteria as
The club may offer honorary memberships to nonmember individuals or families. These
memberships will be offered sparingly and will normally be based on exceptional
voluntary contribution to club activities. An affirmative vote by at least ! of the
members present at a regular meeting is required. Honorary members will be reviewed
annually at the January meeting, for the purpose of dropping any members who no longer
warrant honorary membership.

Meeting of Members
Monthly meeting will be held on the 4
Thursday of each month, through October.
November and December meetings will not be held at Wynne Ford but may be held
informally at other locations. Twenty percent of the clubs membership at any meeting
shall constitute a quorum. No official business shall be conducted without a quorum.
The majority vote of the attending members will carry each issue, unless a provision of
these by-laws stipulates differently. A copy of these by-laws will be provided to each
member and will serve as official notification of meeting dates.
Change will be provided to each member to will be posted on the Forum and a copy
provided upon request.
The president shall call special meetings if required. Advance notice will be given
membership of all such meetings whenever possible.

100% of all funds raised at and during a PME planned events will go to CHKD. If PME
is asked to partner with any other organization for the purpose of raising funds, the
requesting organization will have the responsibility to purchase the awards for the event.
The proceeds from the event will be split 50/50 with PME and the organization.
Change paragraph to read: All profits minus expenses raised at and during PME planned
events will go to charity of choice approved by membership for that show. All members
registered and paid for the event monies will go to PME treasury. If PME is asked to
partner with any other organization or individual for the purpose of raising funds, the
requesting organization will have the responsibility to purchase awards for the event.
The proceeds from the event will go to the hosting shows charity.

In the event that Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast is dissolved for any reason, all property
and assets of the club shall be sold and all moneys donated to the club charity, CHKD.
No member shall derive any benefit or profit in the event the club is dissolved. Personal
Property shall revert back to the original owner unless donated to the club.
The club will not be held responsible for any personal injuries or property damage
occurring during or as a result of club functions.
Add that individuals will not be allowed to accept more than one nomination for an
Executive Board position. If an individual is nominated for more than one position, they
must choose a single position during the nomination process.
1. Change the voting and installation because the club does not meet in November.
a. Presented to the club at the July 2010 meeting and approved at the August 2010
b. Under OFFICES AND OFFICERS DUTIES, change in November and the
installation will be in December to in September and the installation will be in
October. October is the last scheduled meeting for the year.
c. Red items presented to the club at the March 2013 meeting and approved at the May
2013 meeting.
d. Red item under events, members registered at events proceeds, presented to the club
at the March 2014 meeting and approved at the April 2014 meeting.

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