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Nurse Education Department

Student Clinical Lab Journal

WEEK OF ____________

Discuss how your lab experience met the objectives for the week. (explain in detail):
Share thoughts about your own development as a nurse following this weeks clinical (provide examples of
Identify 2 new things that you learned this week:

My lab experience for this week was great. My lab experience met the objectives for the week by me
knowing the four basic techniques used by a nurse when performing physical assessment. I was also able to
know the purpose of keeping a patient record and the legal implications of not documenting.
I have developed as a nurse by knowing how important it is for people who are on bedrest or are paralyzed
to always do a range of motion (ROM) and reduce pressure when sitting or laying on the bed. I was able to
teach my cousin who is paralyzed from her waist down to her feet , how important it was for her to always
move to reduce pressure and pressure ulcers. I also told her how important ROM was and how it can help
prevent contractures.
The two things I learnt this week is being able to make a bed, and also knowing the purpose of physical
restraints and the proper application of restraints.
Choose one of the following for your lab experience this week:

How did you demonstrate Critical Thinking in lab this week? (explain in detail):

Discuss a cultural/diversity issue that influenced your plan of care for your patient.

Describe how you met the teaching needs for your patient.

Give an example of your use of therapeutic communication in lab this week.

I demonstrated critical thinking in lab this week by knowing that my patient who is hypertensive was not in
the hospital because of it. her blood pressure was normal that day which indicates that her blood pressure was

Students Signature: __Esther Jacob______________________________________ Date: _09-25-
revision 5/11
Criteria Satisfactory Developing Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Degree of Supervision

Functions independently,
analyzes situations, and
takes appropriate action.
Able to function safely with
minimal supervision.
Seeks help appropriately.
Recognizes deviations from
normal and reports promptly.
Able to function safely with
minimal supervision most of the
Easily overwhelmed, requires
direction. Functions in simple
situations but has difficulty
meeting the expectations for
students at this level. Able to
function safely with moderate
amount of supervision.
Often overwhelmed. Difficulty
focusing. Demonstrates poor
time management and
organizational skills. Needs
supervision a majority of the lab
Depth of Preparation
Prepared and applies
theory, makes thoughtful
decisions. Able to apply
theory in the clinical
setting, consistently.
Prepared and asks appropriate
questions. Able to apply theory
in the clinical setting most of the
Minimally prepared, needs
prompting, only able to apply
theory in the clinical setting
some of the time.
Frequently unprepared for lab.
Unable to apply theory in the
clinical setting in order to safely
Motivation &
Demonstrates a positive
attitude, initiative and
confidence. Works well
with others. Demonstrates
accountability and a desire
to learn.
Recognizes the importance of
being accountable for own
actions. Readily participates
and seeks out learning
Ignores or misses
opportunities to learn. Puts
forth minimal effort.
Demonstrates little motivation
or readiness. Needs
Does not demonstrate
enthusiasm or interest in the
clinical setting. Needs ongoing
prompting by instructor.
Unmotivated and unprepared for
clinical lab.
Always treats patients,
staff, & peers with respect,
sensitivity, & politeness
(verbal, non-verbal,
written, electronically).
Listens and exhibits caring
Treats patients, staff, & peers
with respect, sensitivity, &
politeness (verbal, non-verbal,
written, electronically). Listens &
exhibits caring behaviors.
Inconsistently treats patients,
staff, and/or peers with
respect, sensitivity, &
politeness (verbal, non-
verbal, written, electronically).
Doesnt actively listen &
exhibits caring behaviors on
Does not communicate with
patients and/or peer in a polite,
sensitive manner. Fails to listen,
does not exhibit caring

Instructors Comments:

Instructors Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________

Students Signature (after reading comments): _____________________________________

Goal for next week: To properly carry out my duties in the hospital______________________________

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