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Teacher Candidate: Janice Cannata Grade Level: 5
Title: A Real Survivor

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:

Total students: 22
Girls: 8
Boys: 14
Struggling Learners: David, Daniel, Adrian, Samira, Tyson, Guadalupe, Kylie
Advanced Learners: Korbin, Josslin, Mario, Jordi, Anna
ELL: Mario Wida Level 5, Guadalupe Wida Level 5, Jordi Wida Level 5, Ernesto Wida Level 3, Samira
Wida Level 5, Daniel Wida Level 5, Adrian Wida Level 5
Behavior Challenge Students: Conner, Josh

Classroom environment: The classroom is a happy and fun learning environment. Ms. Woolsey is friendly and helpful to
all her students. The room is arranged with desks facing the front which has the whiteboard and smart board. Ms.
Woolseys desk is in the right corner. There are many charts and visual educational information on the walls. The students
are well behaved and cooperate well with their teacher and peers.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan):

Determine the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key
supporting details and ideas.

Content Walk-Away:

I will use a prediction chart to identify the main idea in the text A Real Survivor

Language Walk-Away:

I will use a prediction chart to identify the main idea in the text A Real Survivor

Vocabulary: predict, main idea, survivor

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students
have learned the Walk-Away? )
tions (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

I will listen to my students answers as we construct a prediction chart to help
construct the meaning of the text. We will have many stopping points throughout the
reading of the text for discussion and to promote understanding of the main idea of
the text.

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

As a class students will identify the main idea of the text by participating in the
organization of the prediction chart.
My ELL students Ernesto,
and Adrian will be pre-
taught the vocabulary words
and their meanings. I will
also pre-teach them how to
use the prediction chart.
Ernesto and Adrian will also
review the prediction chart
clue, prediction, and
changes in prediction.

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

Students will organize and write their own prediction chart to identify the main idea of
the text.

I will pre-teach Kylie my
struggling learner the
vocabulary words and their
meanings. I will also review
the prediction chart and
how to use it. I will review
the words on the prediction
chart clue, prediction,
changes in prediction.

Place my advanced learner,
Josslin in supportive group
configurations to help with
instruction, questions and

Provide all students with a
prediction chart to assist
with their writing.

I will provide Conner with
activities that help him to be
engaged and contribute to
the lesson during
instruction time to help
keep from disrupting and on

Activate/Building Background Knowledge

I will have printed out the content and language objectives onto paper before we begin. It will be placed
on the board. We will recite together the content and language objectives.

Students our reading selection this week is The Real Survivor. The word survivor means a person who continues to
function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
Something that is very important to remember when we read is to understand what the text is about or the main idea. The
main idea is the overall meaning or gist of a passage. It is what the passage is all about, a summary statement of its
meaning. (Conner will place the vocabulary word that has been printed out onto paper on the board.) Students we are
going to use a prediction chart to help us identify the main idea of the text The Real Survivor. Predict means to guess
or tell what will happen in advance. (Conner will place the vocabulary word that has been printed onto paper on the
board) Students you have been provided a chart with three headings 1. Prediction 2. Clues 3. Changes in Predictions
Under the heading Clues you have the question, What led me to make this prediction? Under the heading Changes in
Predictions you have the question As I read the text, what changes did I have to make in my predictions? I want you to
pay close attention to these questions as we read the text The Real Survivor. Each student will be provided with a pre-
made prediction chart for filling in.

Formative assessment: I will have the students turn to their elbow partner and teach them the vocabulary words. I will
assess Kylie, Ernesto, and Adrian for confusion and re-teach the vocabulary words. I will pair Josslin with Kylie to help
with comprehension.

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

I will place Conner my behavior challenge student close to me during instruction to monitor his behavior. After the pre-
teaching for Ernesto, and Adrian I will assess if any additional instruction is necessary in LI, if so I will have that provided
for Ernesto, and Adrian. ( SIOP 7, 8, 9, 6, 1,2, 5, 19)

Focus Lesson (I do it)

I will place a sample prediction chart on the ELMO for Ernesto and Adrian to visually see and follow.

I will turn my students focus to the text A Real Survivor. I will do a picture walk through the book. I will predict from
the pictures what this text may be about. On the ELMO I will have a prediction chart I will fill in the chart with some of my
answers. I will then ask what clues led me to these predictions. We will read the first two pages of text. I will ask my
students if after reading the text if I need to make changes in the predictions that I have on my chart. (SIOP 6,1,2,4,16)

Formative Assessment:

By listening for students answers I will identify if they understand how to use a prediction chart


I will make sure that Ernesto and Adrian are grouped at a table with native English speakers to help with clarification.
Kylie will be grouped with Josslin to help provide needed clarification.

I will ask my students if they have any questions about the activity or vocabulary words so far. Thumbs up for yes, thumbs
down for no.

I will review the vocabulary words by asking Josslin to tell us the definitions of our vocabulary words
and how they relate to the activities we are doing in our prediction charts. (SIOP 5, 16, 17)

Guided Instruction (We do it)

I will then have my students turn to their prediction charts. I will ask them to make predictions about what might happen
as we continue to read the story. I will ask them to fill in the two categories, prediction and clues. I will ask them to turn to
their partner A or B and discuss their predictions with each other after reading more text I will ask them to make changes
in their predictions if necessary. (SIOP 17, 16, 29)

Formative Assessment:

Ask for responses from students to share with the class about their predictions and clues.


Each vocabulary word will be printed on paper and will be posted on the board during the entire lesson.
. ( SIOP 4,9, 27)
Kylie will be partnered with Josslin.
Ernesto will be partnered with Anna.
Adrian will be paired with a native Korbin.

Conner will be paired and will be in close proximity to me to provide supervision.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)

Students will then be paired up with a partner. Together they will fill in the prediction chart in the two categories
prediction, and clues. The two students will collaborate with each other on this. Together they will then read more text
and make changes in their predictions if necessary. (SIOP 16, 3 6)

Formative Assessment:

I will move from student pair to student pair examining their prediction charts, and listening for conversations about


I will make sure that the group configurations consist of learners that will benefit from each other. Advanced and
struggling together. Ell students with native speakers of English.(SIOP 17)
Kylie will be partnered with Josslin.
Ernesto will be partnered with Christopher.
Adrian will be paired with a Mario.
Conner will be paired and will be in close proximity to me to provide supervision.
Summative Assessment:

I will review each childs prediction chart. I will assess for understanding by examining their predictions, clues and
changes in predictions. (SIOP 30)


I will be available for my struggling students and ELL students for any questions. An advanced learner will be at the
tables as well for support. I will provide an additional activity for my advanced learner Josslin. I will ask her to research
and find five real life survivors. After she completes this assignment she will share what she has found with the class.
(SIOP 17, 4, 6, 5, 6)

Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)

We will recite our content and language objective again. We will determine as a class if these objectives have been met.
We will then return as a class and review the vocabulary words main idea and predictions, and survivor together.
We will talk about the students predictions about what they thought the main idea of this text was going to be. We will
then talk about how the students made changes in their predictions as they read further into the text. Finally, we will
discuss how our prediction chart helped us identify the main idea of the text. (SIOP 1,2 9 16 27, 28, 29)

Finally from my summative assessments I will assess which students need re-teaching and provide that to them in a
timely manner.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson?

How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

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