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Lmma Lwel

SLage Manager
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lool lor Love WllllamsLown 1heaLre lesLlval ASM uanlel Aukln
!une Moon WllllamsLown 1heaLre lesLlval ASM !esslca SLone
1he Poller (!"#$%&"') WllllamsLown 1heaLre lesLlval ASM !onaLhan 8ernsLeln
Cur Lady new 8eperaLory 1heaLre A !ames lluhr
1he Whlpplng Man new 8eperaLory 1heaLre A 8enny Ambush
8alsln ln Lhe Sun PunLlngLon 1heaLre Company A Llesl 1ommy
Cur 1own PunLlngLon 1heaLre Company A uavld Cromer
Caucaslan Chalk Clrcle Apolllnalre 1heaLre Company SM uanlelle !acques
8omeo & !ulleL Shakespeare now! 1heaLre SM 8obble SLelnbach
MacbeLh Shakespeare now! 1heaLre SM Llnda Lowy & uev LuLhra
Mldsummer nlghL's uream Shakespeare now! 1heaLre SM Llnda Lowy & uev LuLhra
Comedy of Lrrors AnLhem 1heaLre Company ASM 8ryn 8olce
8rownle olnLs 1aprooL 1heaLre Company ASM karen Lund
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La 1ragedle de Carmen 8u Cpera lnsLlLuLe SM !lm eLosa
MeLamorphosls 8CA ASM Llalne vaan Pogue
Aurora 8orealls 8osLon unlverslLy SM !udlLh Chaffee
CuLenberg! 1he Muslcal! 8osLon unlverslLy SM Pondo Welss-8lchmond
8eLrayal 8osLon unlverslLy SM aolo ullablo
Penry v 8osLon unlverslLy SM Lllllan klng
8urled Chlld 8osLon unlverslLy ASM !acob 1lLus
Conflnes of a Carcass 8osLon unlverslLy A 1homas MarLln
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Bachelor of Fine Arts in Stage Management, expected May 2015
Minor in Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences

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