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03 Policymaking
Conflict #1
Gulf War (1991)
Conflict #2
Iraq War (2002)
Summarize the situation that
brought us into the conflict
A response to Iraqs
anneation of !u"ait. It
in#ol#e$ 3% nations an$ it
"as le$ by the &.S.
Iraq "as pro$ucing an$
possesse$ 'it "as later
$isco#ere$ that pro$uction
"as cease$ in ())(* but there
"ere plans to reengage in
pro$uction+ biological
"eapons of mass $estruction*
an$ became a threat to the
national security of the &.S.
as "ell as other allies of
,A-.* such as the &! an$
-herefore the &S planne$
some policies of containment*
ho"e#er "hen /eorge 0.
1ush became presi$ent* he
took a more hostile route* an$
urge$ for the use of the
military against Iraq2
claiming Iraq "as an 3ais of
Is this a 5$eclare$ "ar56 7es in ())0. 7es on 8arch 90*9003
:o" "as ;ongress an$ the
Presi$ent in#ol#e$ in the
;ongress appro#e$ "ar* an$
$ealt "ith international
relations* also ;ongress le$
the entire 3% countries. Also
operation <esert Shiel$ "as
;ongress appro#e$ the acts
that allo"e$ the &S to use
military po"er against Iraq.
-hey also appro#e$ the &S
engaging in a "ar* as "ell as
the in#asion* an$ the official
$eclaration of "ar.
-he presi$ent '/eorge 0.
1ush at the time+ persua$e$
;ongress that in#asion "as
the right $ecision* as "ell as
gaining support an$ appro#al
of the public. Initially* the
public supporte$ 1ush an$
his #ie"s on the in#asion an$
the use of the military po"er.
:o" "as the conflict
resol#e$* or "hat "as the
-he outcome "as this e#ent
lea$ing up to the Iraq "ar*
an$ increasing tensions "ith
-he conflict "as resol#e$
"ith the liberation of !u"ait.
-his conflict became larger* a
long term "ar lasting = year
'from 9003>90((+. :o"e#er*
it "as sol#e$ "ith the
"ith$ra"al of &S troops in
Also* the "ar brought about
trage$ies such as the
humanitarian crisis. 1efore
the "ar malnutrition rates
"ere at ()? only to increase
after the "ar to a 9=?.
@ea#ing up to A=? of Iraqis
to ha#e no access to $rinking
<i$ the presi$ent o#erstep his
authority legally an$Bor
,o. Initially presi$ent 1ush $i$
neither. :e $i$ not appear to
ha#e any moral care about
the casualties an$ the o#erall
negati#e affect the "ar "as
ha#ing* as "ell as the
$estruction it "as bringing.
Presi$ent .bama ho"e#er in
a "ay o#ersteppe$ his
authority morally by
attempting an$ succee$ing in
getting our troops back home.
0hat effect $i$ this conflict
ha#e on global relations6
It $emonstrate$ the
lea$ership abilities the &S
ha$* it also le$ to the &S
seeing "ho their allies "ere*
countries such as the Crance*
;ana$a* Australia* &!* an$
-he relations "ith the &!
remaine$ 3tight4* the &S
recei#e$ full support on the
in#asion an$ "hat later
became the "ar.
-he relations "ith Crance
"ere a bit $ifferent. Crance
has been a long term ally of
the &S ho"e#er they $i$ not
support the in#asion at all*
"hich le$ to some $rifting
bet"een the t"o nations.
Spain $i$ not initially support
the "ar or in#asion but $i$
sen$ some 3non>combat
peacekeeping4 forces to Iraq.
:o"e#er $ue to the terrorist
attack on 8a$ri$s rail"ay
system it is highly unlikely
that Spain "ill support the
&S in future military
in#asions an$ this of course
ha$ a negati#e impact on the
relationship bet"een the &S
an$ Spain.
-here "as a @ibyan
agreement in "hich the
country agree$ to terminate
the pro$uction of any
"eapons of mass $estruction*
hence impro#ing relations.
-he Arab Israeli peace
process also impro#e$ global
relations "ith portions of the
i$le east* only if America
took this seriously.
As a "hole* the reputation of
America "as hurt.
0hat effect $i$ this conflict
ha#e on the economy6
-his "ar ha$ a negati#e
effect on the economy.
Although not as much* it left
most countries in $ebt* for the
&S it "as an estimate$ DA(.(
billion* an$ for the other
countries it "as a total of DE9
billion* lea#ing the &S the
most hurt.
:o"e#er the &S "as not in
total loss* "e ma$e money on
the <esert Shiel$ operations.
-his "ar ha$ a large an$
negati#e effect on the
economy. It le$ to the &S
being in more $ebt 'estimate$
D(.) trillion+ than it initially
"as $uring the "ar.
Any a$$itional information
about Presi$ential popularity
or public opinion6
-here are not many recor$s
of there being any significant
public opinion against the
"ar. Perhaps it "as $ue to the
short "ar an$ the fact that the
&S along "ith other countries
manage$ to free !u"ait.
Initially the $ecision an$
proposal the presi$ent ma$e
for in#asion "as supporte$
by the public* $ue to the fact
that it appeare$ to be a short
term "ar or conflict that
"oul$ be easily resol#e$ "ith
simply applying some
military force. :ence* the
presi$ent '/eorge 0. 1ush+*
"as applau$e$ an$
:o"e#er* as the "ar
escalate$ into almost a
$eca$e* the public began
protesting an$ urging for the
return of the troops* $ue to
the large amount of casualties
an$ "hat seeme$ to be little
<ue to this conflict* /eorge
0. 1ush gaine$ some"hat of
a negati#e reputation* $ue to
his large in#estment of most
of the nations money on this
"ar* an$ the long term $ebt
that the nation in.
0rite a paragraph that comparesBcontrasts the t"o conflicts you selecte$. Please go into some
$epth on the similarities an$ $ifferences bet"een the t"o conflicts. '(0 points+

>1oth conflicts mainly re#ol#e$ aroun$ Iraq.
-he Iraq "ar ha$ many long term negati#e effects* an$ $i$ not really accomplish anything maFor
in the big picture. Some might e#en say it "as a complete "aste* of troops* money an$ time. -his
"as simply a "ar that "as pushe$ by the presi$ent "hom took things too far* much of these
years in#este$ "ere not really necessary. -he "ar also brought about some crisis such as the
humanitarian crisis an$ the $ebt 'D(.) trillion+* as "ell as "orsening relations "ith close long
term allies such as Crance.
-he /ulf 0ar '())(+ "as one of the things that le$ up of the Iraq 0ar. It "as also supporte$
o#erall* by 3% nations* an$ it also brought about trage$ies an$ crisis. -he "ar $i$ not ho"e#er
bring about as many casualties* but it $i$ increase the tensions bet"een Iraq an$ the &S e#en
more* as "ell as causing the largest oil spill of all time on Ganuary 93. -his "ar "as also costly
about DA(.( billion. In a positi#e light* this "ar $i$ not lea#e us in complete loss* "e $i$ make
money on operation <esert Shiel$.

3Iraq 0ar4* Iraq 0ar Gune 9)* 90(%
I httpHBBen."ikipe$ia.orgB"ikiBIraqJ0ar
1rook* -om <ecember (E* 90(( 3&S "ar in Iraq officially en$s4 &SA to$ay
I httpHBBusato$ay30.usato$ay.comBne"sB"orl$BiraqBstoryB90((>(9>(EBIraq>"arBE()%E09=B(6
;,,. 8arch 30* 90(0
3:ome an$ A"ayH Iraq an$ Afghanistan 0ar ;asualties4
I httpHBB""".cnn.comBSPL;IA@SB"ar.casualtiesBin$e.html
American Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy '0ashington* <.;.* 9003+* (E)MA(.
Iraq 0ar
I httpHBBusforeignpolicy.about.comBo$Bne"siss3BtpBiraq"arrelations.htm
/ulf 0ar ())(
I httpHBBen."ikipe$ia.orgB"ikiB/ulfJ0ar

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