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September 15, 2014

It is a true privilege to introduce Jamie Rauch, Mission Canada worker to the film industry in
Vancouver. Jamie was appointed to this role by The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada recently
and as a result has national endorsement as a shared funded mission worker, just like any global
worker the PAOC sends.

Canada is a mission field in the truest sense. It is recognized by the United Nations as a post-
Christian, pluralistic society. One of the implications of this is the realization that new, diverse
methods of Gospel work are necessary to reach Canadians who have not yet put their faith in
Christ. Mission Canada is compelled to do whatever is necessary to be effective in mission in our
homelandfrom equipping churches, to creating partnerships with likeminded organizations, to
sending uniquely called and qualified leaders to Canadas neediest places.

Jamies call and mandate is to reach the unreached in the film industry in Canada, an
environment of 250,000+ full-time and part-time workers, starting with his home city of
Vancouver. As well, he is intentionally coming alongside believers in the industry who dont feel
they have a place or outlet to express their love for film and Christ.

I recommend Jamie to you as one worthy of support. Thank you for prayerfully considering how
your support could make a positive difference to his and the people he serves in Jesus name.

Because we must reach our nation,

Rev. Brian Egert
Assistant to the General Superintendent, Mission Canada

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