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All About!
A continent is one of several major land masses on the earth. There is no
standard definition for the number of continents but you will commonly find that
the numbers six or seven are used.
Many consider there to be seven continents - Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America, and outh America. Most students in the !nited tates
are tau"ht that there are seven continents.
#n Europe and other parts of the world, many students are tau"ht of six
continents, where North America and outh America are combined to form a
sin"le continent of Americas. These six continents are Africa, Americas,
Antarctica, Asia, Australia, and Europe. # read that in $rance, it is not tau"ht that
Antarctica is a continent and thus there are five continents for $rench students.
Many scientists now refer to six continents, where Europe and Asia are combined
to ma%e Eurasia. These six continents are Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Eurasia,
North America, and outh America.
&eo"raphers divide the planet into re"ions, and "enerally not continents, for ease
of study. 'arious "eo"raphers have various definitions of these world re"ions.
(ne way divides the world into ei"ht re"ions) Asia, the Middle East and North
Africa, Europe, North America, *entral America and the *aribbean, outh
America, Africa, and (ceania.
# personally li%e it as Africa, Antarctica, (ceania, Eurasia, North America, and
outh America.

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