The Creation of Adam

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The Creation of Adam

A rhetorical analysis by Kenneth Sutton

Over the course of the existents of humankind, man has used various forms of art
to convey a message, influence opinion and decisions of others. In this rhetorical
analysis, two paintings will be reviewed; The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo di
LodovicoBuonarroti, and Touched by His Noodly Appendage by Arne Niklas Jansson.
Both pieces are depictions of religious art, and although they incorporate similar aspects,
they have very different overall messages. Hendersons incorporation of The Creation of
Adam into Touched by His Noodly Appendage, puts fourth a much more compelling
argument based on logos rather then Michelangelos claim which is based on artistic
appeal and ethos. To understand the satirical message sent by Touched by His Noodly
Appendage, we most first understand the biblical message in the original.

Art and the Bible. The Creation of Adam. Art and the Bible: 2014. Retrieved from

Henderson, B. (2005).Open Letter to Kansas School Board. Retrieved from

Henderson, B. (2010). About. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: 2010. Retrieved

William Wallace Steinberg, Leo. Whos Who in Michelangelos Creation of Adam: A
Chronology of the Pictures Reluctant Self-Revelation. Art Bulletin (1992): 552-

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