GS M International Qts

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International Events/Relations/Organisations/Bilateral Relations
Discuss the role played by the nited !tates in
promotin"/hinderin" improved relations between #ndian $
2004 2'15 150
2 ()plain #ndia*s strate"ic relationship with +ussia. 2004 2'15 150
-ccount .or #ndia*s increasin" involvement in the !outh/
(ast -sian +e"ion.
2004 2'15 150
4 0he %anchsheel %act 2004 5'2 20
5 #ndia/#srael cooperation 2004 5'2 20
1 (uropean nion*s trade restrictions a"ainst #ndia. 2004 5'2 20
7 2ea&/spots in #ndia/3epal relations 2004 5'2 20
8 4ot line between #slamabad $ 3ew Delhi 2004 5'2 20
Discuss the role o. *intelli"ence* in the ma&in" o. .orei"n
2004 2'15 150
Describe the role o. the -mnesty #nternational in securin"
human ri"hts.
2004 2'15 150
()amine the relevance o. %t. 3ehru*s ideas in the
international relations o. today.
2004 2'15 150
12 #67 verdict on #srael*s erection o. barrier on the 2est 8an& 2004 10'2 20
1, 8ei9in"/0aiwan !pat 2004 10'2 20
14 %rospects o. international water/wars 2004 10'2 20
15 -l :harib %risoners 2004 10'2 20
11 +ecent developments in #ndia/;yanmar relations 2004 10'2 20
17 8#;!0(6 <=b9ectives> 2004 10'2 20
18 -+? <=b9ectives> 2004 10'2 20
15 +ed 6ross <=b9ectives> 2004 10'2 20
20 =%(6 <=b9ectives> 2004 10'2 20
21 #-(- <=b9ectives> 2004 10'2 20
Discuss the ma9or issues in #ndo/! relations in recent
200, 2'15 150
Discuss the impact o. the collapse o. the !oviet nion on
#ndo/+ussian relations.
200, 2'15 150
24 Discuss the recent trends in #ndia*s relations with 6hina. 200, 2'15 150
Discuss the importance o. the -"ra !ummit on #ndo/
%a&istan relations.
200, 5'2 20
2hat has been the nature o. *0rac& ## diplomacy* between
#ndian $ %a&istan@
200, 5'2 20
27 Discuss the ma9or irritants to #ndo/8an"ladesh relations. 200, 5'2 20
28 Discuss #ndia*s policy towards international terrorism. 200, 5'2 20
#n what sense is #ndo/3epal cooperation important .or both
countries* national security@
200, 5'2 20
,0 2hat is Aeto in the 3 system@ 200, 2'15 150
,1 Discuss the role o. 3-0= a.ter the end o. the cold war. 200, 2'15 150
Discuss the role o. the nited 3ations in the protection $
promotion o. 4uman +i"hts.
200, 2'15 150
,, 2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> #8+D <ii> 364+ 200, 5'2 20
,4 2ho is 4ans 8li)@ 200, 5'2 20
,5 2hy was David Belly in news recently@ 200, 5'2 20
,1 2hat is the problem in 6hechnya@ 200, 5'2 20
,7 2hat is the si"ni.icance o. the +obin #sland@ 200, 5'2 20
2hat is the si"ni.icance o. (nola :ay in the world o.
200, 5'2 20
,5 2hat is :auantanamo 8ay in the news now@ 200, 5'2 20
40 2hat is the theory o. *clash o. civilisations*@ 200, 5'2 20
41 2hat does the theory o. *end o. history* mean@ 200, 5'2 20
42 2hat was +obert ;u"abe in the news recently@ 200, 5'2 20
Discuss the ma9or irritants in #ndo/6hina relations and
hi"hli"ht the latest moves to overcome these.
2002 2'15 2'15
4ow did ! respond to the problem o. 6ross/boarder
terrorism in the !tate o. 7ammu $ Bashmir a.ter the
Balucha& event@
2002 2'15 2'15
-ccount .or #ndia*s opposition to 6omprehensive 0est 8an
2002 2'15 2'15
41 ()plain #ndia*s stand on C00(. 2002 5'2 5'2
47 2hat does *:u9ral doctrine* stands .or@ 2002 5'2 5'2
4ow does #ndian .rom "ood nei"hbourly relations
with 8an"ladesh@
2002 5'2 5'2
45 2hat do you &now about *%ina&a*@ 2002 5'2 5'2
()plain #ndia*s *3o ?irst se* policy in conte)t o. 3uclear
2002 5'2 5'2
4i"hli"ht the main points o. 3uclear Disarmament 0reaty
si"ned by ! %resident :eor"e 8ush $ +ussian %resident
Aladimir %utin in ;ay 2002.
2002 2'15 2'15
=utline the .eatures o. latest !audi %eace %lan .or 2est -sia
6risis and assess its importance.
2002 2'15 2'15
3-; <3on/-li"ned ;ovement> is relevant in nipolar
world as well. 6omment.
2002 2'15 2'15
2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> 26-+ <ii> !%D6 <iii>
#30(+%=C <iv> 2#%=
2002 5'2 5'2
55 2hy was 8ander !eri 8e"awan in news recently@ 2002 5'2 5'2
51 2ho is Danana :usmao@ 2002 5'2 5'2
57 2hat do you mean by ni/%olar 2orld@ 2002 5'2 5'2
58 2hat do you &now about 3orth/%olar dialo"ue@ 2002 5'2 5'2
2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> 364+ <ii> 3#D=
<iii> 20= <iv> ;#:-
2002 5'2 5'2
10 2hat is meant by -@ 2002 5'2 5'2
()plain ! stand on the proposal .or establishin" an
#nternational 6rime 6ourt.
2002 5'2 5'2
12 2hat is the main purpose o. :/15@ 2002 5'2 5'2
1, 2hy is !-?0- bein" mooted@ 2002 5'2 5'2
Discuss the "lobal response to %resident 8ush*s *3ational
;issile De.ence %lan <3;D>*@
2001 2'15 2'15
2hat were the ma9or recommendations o. the *"roup o.
ministers* on #ndian 3ational !ecurity !ystem@
2001 2'15 2'15
11 ()amine the latest phase o. #ndo/#ran relations. 2001 2'15 2'15
17 2hat is #ndia*s *Coo& (ast %olicy*@ 2001 5'2 5'2
18 2hat do you understand by :/15@ 2001 5'2 5'2
15 ()plain the problem o. in.iltration in eastern parts o. #ndia. 2001 5'2 5'2
2hy does #ndian ob9ect to Bashmir bein" treated as a
*disputed territory*@
2001 5'2 5'2
2hat is the si"ni.icance o. %yrdiwah $ 8oraibari in #ndo/
8an"ladesh relations@
2001 5'2 5'2
Discuss the si"ni.icance o. Byoto %rotocol. 2hy is ! not
si"nin" it@
2001 2'15 2'15
(valuate the per.ormance o. !ummit meetin" o. the -rab
Cea"ue held in ;arch 2001@
2001 2'15 2'15
=utline the salient .eature o. #ndia*s nuclear policy and
e)plain the reasons .or #ndia*s re.usal to si"n the
2001 2'15 2'15
75 2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> 36#% <ii>BC- 2001 5'2 5'2
2hy has !lobodan ;ilosevic been in news in the recent
2001 5'2 5'2
77 2ho is :ao Ehan@ 2001 5'2 5'2
78 2ho is ;e"hawati !u&arnoputri@ 2001 5'2 5'2
2hich is the latest ri"ht con.irmed by the 57th session o.
the 3@
2001 5'2 5'2
80 2hat is :66@ 2001 5'2 5'2
81 2hy was ;acau in the news recently@ 2001 5'2 5'2
82 2hat is :8@ 2001 5'2 5'2
8, 2hat is (uropean nion@ 2001 5'2 5'2
84 ()plain the position o. ! vis/F/vis the Cea"ue o. 3ations. 2001 5'2 5'2
85 Discuss #ndian/!ri Can&an relations in recent years. 2000 2'15 2'15
#ndia*s Bar"il victory rested on its success.ul e..ort at
combinin" diplomacy with the use o. .orce. Discuss.
2000 2'15 2'15
87 Di..erentiate $ state the si"ni.icance o. %o&haran # $ ##. 2000 2'15 2'15
88 2hat does trac& two diplomacy stands .or@ 2000 5'2 5'2
85 3on/ali"nment is a needG not a creed. (laborate. 2000 5'2 5'2
50 Di..erentiate between peace/ma&in" $ peace/&eepin". 2000 5'2 5'2
51 2hat is deterrence@ 2000 5'2 5'2
2hy has the indi"enous development o. 6ryo"enic (n"ine
become necessary .or #ndia@
2000 5'2 5'2
De.ine :lobalisation $ di..erentiate it with
2000 2'15 2'15
0here is a wide/spread concern about the de"radation o.
environment and the problems that "o with it. -sses the
international response.
2000 2'15 2'15
4ow can #ndia accommodate her .orei"n policy principle o.
*non/intervention* with the emer"in" ri"ht to *intervention*.
2000 2'15 2'15
51 2hat are the prospects o. 6080@ 2000 5'2 5'2
Di..erentiate between 6ollective security $ 6ooperative
2000 5'2 5'2
2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> ;-+A <ii> ;#+A <iii>
2000 5'2 5'2
55 Di..erentiate between ()plosion $ #mplosion. 2000 5'2 5'2
100 2hat do you &now about !iachin Dispute@ 2000 5'2 5'2
2hat do the .ollowin" stand .or / <i> !--+6 <ii> -!(-3
<iii> =#6
2000 5'2 5'2
102 2hat is meant by !D#@ 2000 5'2 5'2
10, Di..erentiate between !-C0 $ !0-+0 2000 5'2 5'2
104 2hat do you &now about :/77@ 2000 5'2 5'2
105 2hat is :lobal (nvironment ?acility <:(?>@ 2000 5'2 5'2
2ei"hta"e to #nternational +elations/(vents etc. <e)cludin" Huestions on 3+#s> is
50 mar&sG which may rou"hly be divided into I
o #ndia $ the 2orld I 40 ;ar&s
o #nternational events/institutions I 50 ;ar&s
2e may classi.y Huestions into .ollowin" cate"ories I
o #ndiaJs ?orei"n +elations I ;ost si"ni.icant partK #ndiaJs relations with
!G +ussiaG (uropeG #sraelG :ul. countries and its nei"hbours I %a&G
6hinaG 3epalG Can&aG 8an"ladesh. <%resentlyG #ndiaJs relations with %a&G
6hinaG 3epal $ #ran are in news>
o #ndia $ the 2orld I 2orld events a..ectin" #ndia <includin" economic
issues> L #ndiaJs role in international or"anisations <e.". 3>G associations
<e.". !--+6>G events <e.". 3epal crisis>G peace/processes etc.
o 2orld (vents <includin" economic issues>I 2ith no direct relevance to
#ndia. (.". #srael/%alestine con.lict. #ncludes persons/places/treaties in
o 2orld =r"anisations/-ssociationsG their ob9ectivesK 0he 3 system $
allied or"anisations
o ;isc/
2orld issues li&e terrorismG nu&esG oilG water crisisG "lobalisationG
its impact on .orei"n policy etc.
=ld international events/pacts etc. %anchsheel/6old warG their
impact on world/#ndia
Aiews o. 3ehru etc on .orei"n policy
0heoretical aspect o. .orei"n policy

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