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My School Days and Yours Questionnaire

Author: Dennis Delany

Pearson Education 2008 PHOTOCOPIABLE

A Think about when you were younger and you went to school. Were they the best
days of your life? Answer these questions honestly.

1 What was your favourite subject at school?

2 What subject or subjects did you dislike?

3 Did you do you homework? Circle an answer and be honest!
always usually sometimes not very often hardly ever

4 Were you ever late for school?
always usually sometimes not very often hardly ever

5 Did you copy in exams?
always usually sometimes not very often hardly ever

6 Did you ever cut classes (not go to school)?
often sometimes not very often hardly ever never

7 Did you ever fall asleep in class?
often sometimes not very often hardly ever never

B Now think about someone in your class and try to guess what he or she was like as a
student in eighth grade (at about the age of 13). Tell him or her what you think and see if
you are right. The conversation should go like this.

Student A: I think your favourite subject was probably science am I right?
Student B: No, actually. My favourite subject was maths.
Student A: Really? Were you good at maths?
Student B: I wasn't bad. I got better later.
Student A: OK. Im sure you really hated French!
Student B: Yes, youre right. But I speak it quite well now.

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