Work Life and Leisure Unit-Iv

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Freedom from the task of arranging food
supplies by the ancient humans
Development of agriculture enabled man to lead a
settled life.

Work, life and leisure became the need and
requirement of man that led to the emergence and
development of urban centers of living in the ancient,
medieval as well as the modern times.

During the Neolithic period the discovery of agriculture
encouraged the humans, who were food gatherers and
hunters, to settle down in order to look after their
agricultural establishments.

Division of labor was done and the agricultural
activity was to be done by a few selected groups
of people.
It was the freedom from the task of arranging
food supplies.
It gave some people the leisure time to observe
It led man to think about climate, seasonal
changes, hydrological cycle, and come out with
possible solutions to the problems related to
these phenomena
Technological developments like mining and
metallurgy, making tools created the situation for
further development of a complex social and
economic system in these areas.
Surplus raw materials encouraged trade and led
to the emergence of cities around markets, along
the trade routes.
Religion which played a vital role in the
development of a city as they give examples of
various cities of the ancient and medieval times
Town planning in these urban centers involved
construction of houses, roads, government
buildings, granaries and drainage system etc.
Facilities like transportation, proper sanitation
were made available to the city dwellers along
with a variety of means for recreation.
Cities created environment for the development
of human culture.
It led to the expression of talents, intermingling
of people, growth and spread of religion,
development of customs and traditions
Emergence of ancient cities
Ancient civilizations developed in various parts of Asia, Africa,
Europe and Americas; Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Harappan
and Chinese civilizations were some of the prominent ones.

Bronze Age around 3500 B.C. these settlements grew in
balance and cooperation with nature, in the flood plains or
the fertile river valleys.

Some of the important cities in these civilizations were Ur,
Nippur, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa etc.

Ancient Civilization
These cities were the centers of political
authority, trade and local industry, military
and cultural activity.
They had well organized governments,
efficient administrators, well framed laws.
These cities had rules and regulations and
some form of taxation to support a vast range
of non food producing city dwellers.

Development of a form
of writing and symbolic
art in order to maintain
records of trade and
taxation also developed
during this period.
Growth of population, expansion of trade and
commerce, increased community interaction.
With the help of stable and determined political power
of the great empires, created emergence of cities.
It was in the 15
century that Europe experienced the
Age of Renaissance and enlightenment.
It led to the development new architectural styles,
political philosophy, and modern science were born

Industrialization actually did not create cities; it just
changed their form in the contemporary period,
modernized them and increased the pace of

Industrialization led to the development of mass
Increased the pace of capitalism.
The effect was felt in architecture, transport,
It led to the development of modern cities which
was distinct from the earlier medieval cities.
Development of Great Britain can be taken as
an example which is the outcome of the
industrial development because of colonial
and imperial expansion of Great Britain.
Though London was technologically advanced
and attracted thousands of migrants.
People were employed in the beginning both
in the traditional and modern industries.
Many new professions like in the fields of
medicine, banking, finance, law, education,
and engineering developed in these cities.
A number of schools, colleges, hospitals, law
courts, emerged as a result of the modern
A vast network of tramways was laid by the
London County Council since 1901.
Motorized buses also started playing on the
London roads since 1904.
Private cars began to appear on London roads
from 1890s onwards.
These new developments, privileges, and
facilities of the modern cities led to a variety
of social changes

Old social distinctions of class and status were
turned down and new social norms were set
up. All these developments changed the
domestic and public life forever.
Industrialization, urbanisation, and
modernization brought immense changes in
the institution of family.
Women got employment in a few sectors like
domestic service as maid, tailoring and
laundering, nursing etc.
At times, they got jobs in the factories also.

With the development of suburbs Second half
of the 19
century witnessed the evolution of
the departmental stores and brands of
With the emergence of telephone, shopping
became a totally different experience after
By the end of the 19
century, working class women
got new jobs available to them like that of the typist,
clerk or a shop assistant etc.
All this gave them financial independence and
confidence. They were no more dependent on their
male counterparts, though their salaries and wages
were less than that of men.
The urban centers no doubt encouraged a new spirit
of individualism among both men and women and
gave liberty from following traditional values of
collective bonding

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