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Note: Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Answer all questions. Max. Marks:75
2. Part A Each 1 Mark
3. Part B Each 3 Marks
4. Part C carry each 10 marks and answer
All questions by selecting either one.
PART A 10 X 1 = 10
1. What is the length of IPV4 Addresses?
2. Define Socket.
3. What is result set?
4. What is the use of callable statement?
5. Define servlet.
6. What are methods used for request forwarding?
7. What is Introspection?
8. What are the types of properties of Java bean?
9. What is the use of ejbCreate () method?
10. What is a primary key?
PART B 5 X 3 = 15
11. Write a program to look up the IP addresses for a host name.
12. Explain how to execute a query in JDBC.
13. Explain servlet chaining.
14. What are design patterns of Indexed properties of java Bean?
15. Explain Business methods of EJB.
PART C 5 X 10 = 50
16. (a) Explain with a program how to read a webpage from a website.
(b) Explain URL class constructors and methods.
(a) Explain how to establish client-server communication using datagram.
17. (a) Explain the ODBC and JDBC. Differentiate ODBC & JDBC.
(b) Explain Database meta data.
(a) Explain JDBC drivers.
18. (a) Explain servlet Request and servlet Response interfaces.
(b) How to read HTML form data from servlets?
(a) Explain Cookies in servlet with example.
19. (a) Explain Bean Info class.
(b) Explain bound properties.
(a) How to create and run a bean?
(b) What are the advantages of Java bean?
20. (a) Explain J2EE components.
(b) Explain the life cycle of message driven bean.
(a) Explain the steps involved in developing an EJB with example.


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