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Exercise for lesson 1
Test Yourself

1. How many vowels are there in the Arabic language?

2. What are these vowels called in Arabic?

3. Describe each vowel in a full sentence.

4. What is a Sukoon?

5. When would a letter have a Sukoon?

6. What is Tanween?

7. Describe the different types of Tanween.

8. What is the name of a word having a meaning?

9. How many types of words are there in the Arabic language?
What are they called?

10. When Alif has any what is that Alif called? Page 2

- Parts Of Speech
Test Yourself
Read each word in the following table and classify them to


Category Word Category Word

(I seek refuge)





















(on, upon)

(your, you)

(Progeny, followers) (O Allah)


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