Lesson10 - Conditional Formatting

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Presented by

Computation and Problem

Nazarbayev University
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Lesson 9
Conditional Functions
and Formatting
We can calculate numeric values using +, -, *, /
with cell addresses and number constants
We can also preform comparisons or check
for equality using >, <, =, >=, <=
These give a true or false value
Conditional Expressions
We can check if two conditions are both true
(AND), or at least one is true (OR)
AND(cond1, cond2)
OR(cond1, cond2)

AND and OR Conditional Functions
IF(condition, valueIfT, valueIfF)
IF Conditional Function
Exercise: Add two columns to InternetUse.xlsx where the first
computes the difference between the max and min, and the second
prints Low or High depending on this difference value
IF Conditional Function: Challenge Problem
Exercise: Make changes to the second column so that it can print
Low , Medium or High.
Hint: Use a nested IF function.
COUNTIF(range, criteria)
COUNTIF Conditional Function
Examples include: >400, =Critical
Exercise: Now add three more rows that count up the number of
Low, Medium, and High values
Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting
Exercise: Color code the Max-Min column using Greater Than rules
Conditional Formatting
Exercise: Use gradual color coding for the Max-Min column using
Color Scales
Experiment with other visual effects such as Data Bars and Icon Sets

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