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Science Notes

- Mass Wasting- several processes that has the following in common

1. Downslope movement of rock or weathered material
2. Movement is due to pull of gravity
3. No flowing medium that carries the material
4. Generally, mass wasting occurs when gravitational forces exceed friction or shear
forces of material
- Mass wasting is important because it can be a significant hazard to property and people. It
needs to be identified where and under what conditions these things happen. Certain
construction areas are more prone to causing mass wasting.
- Driving Forces of mass wasting
1. Weight
2. Resistance of material
3. Steepness of slope
4. Saturation
5. Biological Factors
6. Triggers (Weakened planes)
Construction Work (Blasting)
- How are mass movements classified
1. Type of material that moves
2. Nature of movement (slide, flow, or fall)
3. How fast material moves
Flows- Move as it is a thick liquid
Slides- Rapid movement
Slumps- Rapid movement on a curves surface
Rock Falls- Sporadic, rapid movement of large materials
- How does mass movement affect people
Humans contribute to mass movement through activities through construction
and poor land maintenance
Humans also put their property and themselves into potential danger by
building homes at the base of hill or mountains
- How to prevent mass movement
Not possible to prevent it
A natural force that cant be stopped
How to help prevent it
o Remove weight from slope
o Vegetation
o Drainage systems
o Cables and Anchoring Systems

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