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Marxist Perspectives on the Family

Marxists share with the functionalists the idea that they

examine the roles performed by the family in the maintenance of
capitalist society. The big difference is that Marxists are
opposed to capitalism as they see it as unfair and exploitative.
The first Marxist write to comment on the family and its
functions was Marx's friend and collaborator Frederick Engels in
"The rigin of !rivate !roperty and the "tate." Engels argued
that the family emerged with the advent of private ownership.
The family and the marriage represents mens' early attempts to
ensure that they could pass on their property to legitimate heirs.
#y ensuring sexual fidelity of the female through marriage the
male was able to ensure that his children were actually his.
Maintenance of $apitalism
Marxists also argue that the family maintains and continues
capitalism in the following ways
%. &deological reproduction ' the family is an important agent of
socialisation in the passing on the "values" of the capitalist
system. For example( discipline( hard work( obedience( respect
for authority are all passed onto children with the mother usually
being the central figure in this transmission.
). !hysical *eproduction ' The family rears the next generation
of workers. This is very cheap for the capitalist class( as they do
not have to near the costs of reproduction of the labour force.
ne family wage maintains the whole family.
Criticisms of the Marxist perspective
%. &t fails to analyse at any length the oppression of women in
). &t is entirely negative about the family and does not give any
of the positive benefits of the family to family members.

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