Conditions and Impediments To Social Change

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Max Weber emergence of charismatic leader
is one of most important components. Leader
places great demands on his/her followers and
promises reward for their support. Ie) Hitler and
Trudeau both inspired support and created
massive social and political change in their

2. The Role of Elites modernizing elites are
groups who create significant social change by
influencing the direction of change. Can be
political, social, economic elite. Ie)
3. A Populace Ready for Change a charismatic
leader of elites can only influence people if they
are ready to accept changes and willing to listen to
new ideas ie) as Canada becomes less religious.
1. Traditional Cultural Values a populace that
holds onto traditional political, religious and social
ideas may be difficult to change. Ie) Strong
religious communities may not accept
homosexuality or abortion.
2. The Expense some ideas are supported but
the cost associated is not. Ie) universal childcare,
tablets for every student.
Alienation and Conformity
encourage and discourage social
Adapting to social change can be difficult.
Some adapt quickly while others have
difficultly and get left behind ie)
Alienation applies to anyone who does not
share the major values of society and
feeling like an outsider.
The reasons for alienation vary widely ie)
age, discrimination, discontent, income,
values .
Some alienated people actually create/join
groups so that they feel connected. These
groups sometimes pressure society to
change to adjust more to them.
Alienation is often temporary ie)
unemployment, age..

Pressures to accept societies values cause
people to generally adopt the values of the
society in which they live.
Majority of people in a society have a
similar way of acting and thinking.

Informational Influence human desire to
accept information that an admired person
tells us is valid ie) our parents, teachers,
As our own uncertainty grows the more the
pressure builds to simply to conform to the
message around you.
Normative Influence pressure to conform
to positive expectation of others ie) be a
doctor, be a straight A student, go to
church/mosque/ synagogue

Alienation can cause people to give up and
accept living in the margins of society ie)
crime, poverty.
Instances of suicide are higher among
those who feel alienated ie) teens
Alienation can encourage change as those
with different beliefs etc push them to the
forefront ie) human rights activists

Conformity in general discourages social
change because people are sticking to the
status quo/ tradition.
Someone must be willing to challenge the
norm or change would never occur ie)
fashion, laws

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