Sinners in The Hands of An Angry God Analysis Questions

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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Analysis Breakdown

1. Firstly, what do you believe is the tone of the writing?

An accusatory tone towards the people by showing the wrath of God and is malevolence toward the people of the
earth. It is by the will of God alone that you are not cast into the fiery lakes of Hell. Edwards sounds as if he is a
2. List 20 that seem to be significant diction (word choice). No more, no less. I want 20 so that you can see the patterns
in diction; however, I want to limit you so that you pick the 20 most significant words. Remember, do not confuse
diction for literary devices like allusion. There is a difference!!! Then, explain how this diction creates a tone.
- hell - devil - bottomless - storms
- fiery - incensed - righteousness - thunder
- anger - burning - corruption - fury
- executions - dreadful - groans - justice
- fierce - wickedness - black - blood

3. What is the syntax of the writing? What types of sentences does Edwards tend towards? How does this syntax
create the tone? Excessive use of declarative sentences along with direct statements that judge the position of the
4. Jonathan Edwards largely relies on metaphors in his homily. Use the table below to record three major metaphors
that occur in the poem. Then explain what tone these metaphors create.
Metaphor Meaning of the
Edwards Argument What it says about
Puritan Society

Gods wrath is bent, and
the arrow made ready on
the string,

God is ready to strike and
deliver judgment
Fear him with respect with
the possibility of death
Fierce deference to dos

There are the black
clouds of God's wrath
now hanging directly
over your heads, full of
the dreadful storm

Storm of violence waiting
without direction
God is essentially a loose
Do not understand the
thinkings of God

God's creatures are
good, and were made
for men to serve God
with, and do not
willingly subserve to
any other purpose, and
groan when they are
abused to purposes so
directly contrary to
their nature and end

All of creation is subservient
to the sovereignty of God
A man on earth must be
completely loyal to God
Loyal to a fault

5) What is Edwards purpose as an author in this homily? What is he trying to communicate to his audience? Do you
believe that his approach is affective?
The authority that God has over all creation. However, he brings to light the fact that they do not understand how
god works

6) Now that you have considered the diction, syntax, and metaphors in the Edwards homily. Do you agree with your
initial view on the writings tone (from question 1)? If yes, what affirmed your view? If no, what changed your view?
Yes, however it shows the ignorance of the puritan society

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