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Support hospital strikers, Monday 13

October, 7am-11am
Name Post
to SW
Please let me know about local SWP
events and meetings (phone/email
!eturn to" #oreign $ Commonwealth %&ce
'ing Charles St( SW)* +*,
This petition has been initiated b- Socialist
Stop health cuts( closures and privatisation
BAC !"# S!$%# !O SA&#
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The NHS is being destroyed by the Tories.
Services are being slashed or privatised while
workers are insulted by a miserly 1 percent pay
offerand many wont even get that!
Standards of care as well as workers pay and
conditions will plummet further if greedy bosses are
allowed to profit out of patients suffering.
We support the NS strike from !"11am on
#onday 1$ %ctober. We also support the local
government strike on 1& %ctober' the civil service
strike on 1( %ctober and the mass demonstration
on 1) %ctober. We hope all trade unionists'
campaigners' disabled activists groups'
pensioners and students will go to the hospitals to
support the workers.

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