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Samuel Valle (11 from Nantes) is a French pianist and composer.

Of French origin, Samuel Valle is known as a author1! and writer"! #ut a#o$e for his piano
present al#ums in the french audio$isual director%&! (France&, 'anal(, France)) and also on
*nternet la#els like Virgin or Imeem. +is #est,known songs are -.nother world-, -Feel all
around %ou-, -/e0ection on me-.
+e #egan the practice of the piano around the age of 1 %ears at the /eunion *sland where he
li$es. .t age 11, he went toFrance where he studied music in Nantes. 2hen he enrolled in
1331 at the technical school of photograph% and audio$isual (456.) 7! /ennes, he studied
with such artists as sa8ophonist Fran9ois :eanneau or :ean,6ierre /uh (cesar of french
+e produced his de#ut on tele$ision in 1333 under the la#el France & Ouest 6roduction,)! that
will #e heard on the documentar% -+a#iter la ;er (<i$e the sea),-=! portrait of :ac>ues
/ougerie, then at the festi$al of the sea in the %ear "??? in Saint ;alo. Spotted in "??& #%
Stomp 6roduction, a @orean la#el of Ani$ersal ;usic, he composed in the shadow more than
=? music for famous pianists @orean and :apanese of the .sian market. +e then #ecame one
of the Brst self,taught pianists french to inspire .sian artists such as Ciruma or Dong,;in
<im... thanks to his passion for music Blm romantic 6aris (France).
*n "??1, he inaugurated in an unusual place (estate of Vaul8 de 'erna%, its se$enth music
al#um at the piano.
*n :anuar% "??E, he produced -<o$e 6arado8-, an al#um that traces the $arious emotional
components related to lo$e. 5hat same %ear, fans of 5wilight (chapter *, Fascination) hoped
that -a ri$er 0ows in %ou (/i$er Flows in Cou)- would #e retained #% the production as the
<ulla#% for Fella, #ut it is a composition of 'arter Furwellhas Bnall% #een chosen.
+is al#um -. <ittle 5ouch of :aGG- pu#lished in "??3 is a retrospecti$e of this music composed
#etween "??? and "??E, re$isited in a personal st%le -:aGGo,romantic-.

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