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Lesson Plan

Grammar: Singular & Plural Nouns

Day/Date: Thursday / 10
January 2011
Time/Duration: 9.45 a.m. 10.45 a.m. / 1 hour
Year 3 Cerdik
Enrolment: /11
Units/Themes/Topics: Grammar
Singuar ! "ura #ouns
Skills: 1. Nouns
1.2 #um$er %singuar and &ura 'orms(
)eguar &uras %*s(
Objecties +y the end o' the esson, &u&is shoud $e a$e to-
1. .denti'y singuar and &ura 'orms o' nouns
2. Grou& nouns a//ording to their 'orms
!earnin" Outcomes: +y the end o' the esson, &u&is shoud $e a$e to-
1. 0rite do1n the &ura 'orm o' o$2e/ts in the /assroom, getting at east 3 out
o' 5 /orre/t
2. 0rite do1n the /orre/t ty&e o' noun %singuar or &ura(, getting at east 5
/orre/t out o' 10.
3. 0rite do1n the /orre/t num$er and noun 'orm o' random o$2e/ts, getting at
east 5 /orre/t
##TS Categorising, &aying attention
$oral %alues: Coo&eration
Teachin" &esources/'i(s: 1. "i/ture o' 'amiy
2. "&t sidesho1
3. 0orksheet 1
4. 0orksheet 2
5. 0orksheet 3
3. 4ideo /i&
)rior *no+le("e/Skills "u&is are a1are o' ho1 many si$ings they ha5e.
Steps Teachin" Strate"y !an"ua"e #ontent Notes
Set ,n(uction
% 5 minutes(
1. Tea/her sho1s a &i/ture o' a
2. Tea/her asks &u&is ho1 many
si$ings they ha5e in the
6ook /ass. This is my 'amiy. Can
you 'ind me7
. ha5e t1o $rothers and t1o
8o1 many do you ha5e7
T. $aterials:
1. "i/ture o' 'amiy
$oral %alues:
"aying attention
)rior *no+le("e
Lesson Plan
Grammar: Singular & Plural Nouns
% 20 minutes(
1. Tea/her asks &u&is to re/a
1hat nouns are.
2. Tea/her sho1s &i/tures that
/ontain $oth-
%i( one o$2e/t
%ii( many o$2e/ts(
3. Tea/her e9&ains that a
singuar noun names one
&erson, &a/e or thing, 1hie a
&ura noun names more than
one &erson, &a/e or thing.
4. "u&is /om&ete 0orksheet 1.
0ith the tea/her:s he&, they
must 1rite 1hat the name o'
1hate5er o$2e/t they /an 'ind
in the /assroom.
5. Then they must 1rite the &ura
'orm o' the nouns they ha5e
;o you remem$er 1hat nouns are7
Can you gi5e me some e9am&es
o' nouns7
< singuar noun names one
&erson, &a/e or thing
< &ura noun names more than
one &erson, &a/e or thing.
6ook around you. 0hat /an you
0rite them do1n in the
#o1 try and turn the nouns that
you ha5e into &ura 'orms.
T. $aterials:
1. "&t sidesho1
2. 0orksheet 1
!O 1
% minutes(
1. #e9t, &u&is are gi5en
0orksheet 2.
2. 8ere, they must underine the
noun in ea/h senten/e.
3. Then, they must determine
1hether the noun is singuar or
=nderine the noun in ea/h
Then, 1rite do1n 1hether it is
singuar or &ura.
T. $aterials:
1. 0orksheet 2
$oral %alues:
!O .
Lesson Plan
Grammar: Singular & Plural Nouns
% minutes(
1. "u&is 1at/h 5ideo /i& on
o$2e/ts in the /assroom.
2. They ha5e to determine 1hat
things /an $e 'ound in the
5ideo and 1hether the
things/things is singuar or
&ura, and 1rite it do1n on the
1orksheet &ro5ided.
3. "u&is must 1ork in grou&s.
0at/h this 5ideo /are'uy.
6ook in the 5ideo and 1rite the
names o' o$2e/ts that you /an see.
.' there is ony one o$2e/t or
&erson, 1rite it in the singuar
.' there are many o$2e/ts or
&erson, 1rite its &ura 'orm.
0ork 1ith your grou& mates. 8e&
ea/h other.
T. $aterials:
1. 4ideo Ci&
2. 0orksheet 3
$oral %alues:
!O /
% 5 minutes(
1. "u&is are asked to re/a 1hat
they earned 'or the day.
0hat did you earn today, /ass7
;id you earn to /oo&erate 1ith
ea/h other7
$oral %alues:

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