Modal Verb

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modal verb + have + past participle

Perfect Modal Picture sentence

could have _____
couldn't have
past ability
The boy could have done the
dishes himself, but his father
decided to help.
should have ____
shouldn't have
You did or didn't do
something that was a
good idea.
The girl shouldn't have
spun around so many times. She
fell down.
spin: turn around many times.
spin / spun / spun
would have ____
wouldn't have
past condition /
past situation
This house of cards would have
fallen over if the person who built
it hadn't been so careful.
may have _____
may not have
past possibility
y grandfather may have
used this camera when he was a
young man, but !'m not sure.
might have ______
might not have
past possibility
"er mother might have
put mustard on her sandwich.
She hopes not.
must have ____
must not have ___
past probability.
This indicates that
something probably
happened in the past.
They must have practiced a lot
because they're very good
#. !f ! had gone to the sales, !'m sure ! .............. have bought something.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
(. 'laire was very upset you didn't go to her birthday party. You .............. have gone.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
). The lights are out. They .............. have gone to sleep.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
*. +e .............. have invited ,ave to the party if we had -nown he was in town.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
.. You .............. have come to the pub on Saturday. +e had a great time.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
/. She .............. have changed her mind. !'m not sure. 0to change1
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
2. You .............. have spent so much money on ',s. You'll have problems getting to
the end of the month now.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % shouldn't
3. She told me she .............. have emailed you if you had given her your address.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
4. "e's really shy. You .............. have told him you li-ed him.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
#5. She .............. have said yes to a date. You never -now.
$. % might
&. % should
'. % would
##. You .............. have mentioned her weight. She was very upset.
$. % might not
&. % shouldn't
'. % wouldn't

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