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Joshua Moore

CSIT 101
Net Neutrality

2. internet shutdown day is a push against the bill to allow internet fast lanes. the FCC is
attempting to push a bill that will charge certain companies for priotized access. Net neatrality
refers the principal that all internet providers such as verizon and comcast will treat all web
content equally. The cable companies are trying to argue that they have a right to charge
websites for providing them. Doing this will be shattering to little companies and new companies
to try to start up since they will have to pay such a high fee.
3. The first website i found which is, i found it off
of google. The second website i found which is
neutrality_n_4597831.html, i found it off of bing. i believe the article that i found more helpful
was the article off of bing. I believe the article i found off of bing lists the points better then the
article i found off of google, normally however i prefer to use google.
4. 1. Published on 01/14/2014 it was updated on 02/03/2014.
2. This article related quite well to my question it listed out several reason to be for net
3. The author is Betsy Isaacson. She is a writer for the huffingtonpost she has written
serveral articles about the internet and technology.
4. The information is trustworthy being from the huffington post, it is supported by
evidence, i went to other websites and webpages to see if other articles shared similar
examples which they did
5.i believe that this article was written to persuade the reader into being for the fight to
keep net neutrality. It mainly shows points for pro net neutrality no counter points so
there may be a little bias.
5. The keywords i used to find the articles are net neutrality. The database i used was science
direct. It seemed like the best option based on what my subject was.
6.Based on using both the scholarly journal articles and using the internet articles i prefer to use
the internet articles. I believe the internet articles were much easier to access. The internet
articles are much easier to get to and they are more straightforward. The internet articles were
more to the point that they were trying to prove and argue for however the scholarly articles were
on the topic of net neutrality as a sucject they showed both sides of the story not just the pro net
neutrality side. I believe the internet sources i found had more authority because the one was
from a pretty famous newspaper the huffington post.
7. Gross, Doug. "Netflix will show perpetual 'loading' symbol Wednesday." CNN. Cable News
Network, 1 Jan. 1970. Web. 10 Sept. 2014. <
Isaacson, Betsy. "Why You Should Be Freaking Out About The End Of Net Neutrality." The
Huffington Post., 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.
Ktamer, Jan, Lukas Wiewiorra, and Christof Weinhardt. "Blackboard Learn ."Blackboard
Learn. N.p., 1 Nov. 2012. Web. 10 Sept. 2014. <
Lee, Daeho, and Hongbum Kim. "Blackboard Learn ." Blackboard Learn. N.p., n.d. Web. 10
Sept. 2014. <
"Net Neutrality." Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.

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