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Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A

Criteria A: Inquiring and analyzing

Inquiry question: How do I know that the saying, A picture is worth a thousand words is true?
A picture can mean a lot compare to words because picture is what people visually see so they
can have various thoughts about it but words are already defined (Its got its own meanings
already). People can have different ideas by looking at a picture and even when we see words,
we think of a picture or an image that comes with it so picture can mean (describe) various

Question 2: Who first created the emojis in Japan? Why?
The first emoji were created in 1999 by a Japanese guy named Shigetaka Kurita who was a
member working on DoCoMos i-mode mobile internet platform. During this time, many
Japanese realized that picture message could be a way to communicate and they knew that a
single picture message was much larger than text message.

Question 3: How many emoji characters are in Unicode now?
Approximately, in Unicode Version 7.0 there are about 550 other characters and there are
about 240 national flags added to it.

i) Im going to make an emoji about MRISA CX which is one of the events in NISC
and my target audience would be the NISC students or the students who are
interested in joining and the teachers who organize the workshops. The reason why
I chose MRISA CX is that I think the activities they do there are cool and they do
many things together such as team work so when its described as an emoji, it will
look nice and theres no one specific activity the students do in MRISA CX so it
will be a little challenging too.

ii) Ive researched about MRISA CX since I havent been to one and I dont know the
specific things students do there:
In MRISA CX, students participate in organized workshops, group activity and
They have 3 days to attend the events.
The aim of MRISA CX is to share local culture with 7 other MRISA schools.
Students can join workshops such as art, drama, music and dance.
From grade 6-12 students can join.
Teachers organize workshops and students can join them.

Ive also interviewed some people who have been to MRISA CX last year and my
two questions were What is the main thing you do in MRISA CX? and What
are the things that could describe MRISA CX the most?
Shane- A1: Team activities.
A2: Bond, Communicate, talk to other people and get to know each other.
JaeYun- A1: Learning different things.
A2: Music, Art, Dance.
SunJae- A1: Come together to learn each others culture and meet new people.
A2: Collaboration.
Yira- A1: Enjoy and collaborate with other friends from different school. Since its
not about winning or losing, I believe having fun and making friends are the main
Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A
A2: Collaboration, Teamwork and Communication. Its all about working
together with other students, we dance, sing and have fun together!


These are the original emojis that already exist. I think these emojis describe the
MRISA CX the best according to my research and from the interview I had with
different people. The first emoji means people, second one is watching/looking,
third one means bonding or union, fourth one is art, fifth one is drama, sixth one is
music and the last one means dancing. When I make my own emoji of MRISA CX,
I will look at these seven original emojis as example.

iv) Design Brief: For this unit, I will be making emojis about MRISA CX and my
target audience would be the NISC Students or the students who are interested in
joining and the teachers who organize the workshops in MRISA Cultural Exchange.
According to my primary and secondary sources, I got the idea of what MRISA CX
is and I got few designs or how my emojis will turn out. The main emoji that
describes MRISA CX would be people and collaboration.


"IEmoji: Where Did Emoji Come From?" IEmoji: Where Did Emoji Come From? Web.
10 Aug. 2014. <>.

"Emoji." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Aug. 2014.

"Emoji and Dingbats." FAQ. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2014.

Criteria B: Developing ideas

Design specification: My emoji must fit in A4 size (210mm*297mm) and it should have
different set of colors and it should be colorful because MRISA Cultural Exchange is not a
formal event like MUN. It could show a design of people/faces describing different activities
like singing, drawing/painting, dancing and performing, etc. My emoji should show a clear
message about what the emoji is all about and it has to relate to MRISA CX. My design should
include school colors which are dark blue and gold.

Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A
Design 1:

Design 2:

Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A
Design 3:

Design 4:
Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A
Criteria C: Creating the solution

So this is my final emoji. I used two different faces of boy and a girl because I wanted to
describe people and not just one single person and MRISA CX is about people collaborating,
communicating and team work. The reason why I put little stickers (activities) on the eyes is
because I wanted to describe them that MRISA Cultural Exchange has those types of activities.
Also the reason why I chose these two faces are because I wanted to express that the characters
are happy in my emoji by smiling. Also Ive added the word MRISA Cultural Exchange so
people know that it is an emoji about MRISA CX and Ive changed their font colors to our
school color. I used a colorful background to grab an attention from people when they first see
Jeong In Bae Design Grade 10A


Criteria D: Evaluating

According to the feedbacks I got from some people, they all said it looks like an emoji and
because the word is written there, they said they were able to recognize what it was about. They
said the improvement I need is that there couldve been more activities describing the MRISA
CX because MRISA CX is all about people collaborating, working together and doing the
activities (or workshops) such as musical performance, drama, dancing and art.

Before I started on this unit, I didnt really know much about emoji and I thought theres an
only emoticon in this world. To complete this unit, I had to research about history of emoji
and survey MRISA CX people to get more information about what its all about since I havent
been to one yet. The ways that I need to improve are that I couldve make the size of the
activities in the eyes more bigger because they look so small, and have various activities not just
music and art. I tried to put movie (drama) and dancing but I was too late by the time I realized
about that. I feel good about my final emoji but the part that I dislike was when I had to use
Photoshop and whenever I tried to crop something in a certain shape, I had to restart so many
times because of my mistakes during the process. There are two things that I learned from
myself during this unit are that Im not a patient Photoshop user and that I need to learn more
Photoshop skills to have more advanced and professional-looking product. If I had to grade
myself from 0~5, I would give myself a 3 since I dont like the eyes in my emoji and I think I
couldve done better on it but I like the background and the fonts. The reason why I changed
the design from people to faces is because if I include too many people and try to make it into
a emoji, it looks like a poster so I decided to put only two faces of a boy and a girl.

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