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I have many reasons why I

choose this high school. First,
of all I choose this high
school because it is a
specialized high school and is
beyond your grade. You
actually cant get into this
school very easily and takes
a lot of hard work. Also, I
choose this school because it
is beyond college readiness
which, will help me. Next, I
choose this high school
because I think it is one of
the best schools to prepare
ahead of time. This school
will really help because has
some great academics and
clubs which, will help people
to achieve their
goals for their
future. Last but
not least, I
choose this
school because it
is the 12
high school and
that probably
means it is one of
the best schools
to be ready.


Address: 345 Chambers
St, New York, NY

General Info:
There are so many things
about this school. Well, let
me tell you the basic
information about this
school. This school is 12

place in New York and 69

place in the state. This
school is grades 9-12. It has
approximately 59% male and
41% female. This school was
named after Peter
Stuyvesant (picture shown
above). Enrollment is 76%
and you possibly might not
get a chance.

What does this school teach? Of course
things that you will need to know. They
teach art, history, biology, English, and
etc. This school is about 83% ready for
collage. Also, it is 100% in English and
math. There is 84% participation in the
AP rate. There are many course
requirements to graduate. For example
you need 4 years of English, 3 years of
world language, and etc. There is a lot
of things you need to pass so you can
go to college. For this high school there
is a lot of work to do.

Well there is a lot of activitys and
clubs. What are some of the
activities? There is 100 clubs, 30
publications, and 26 athletic
teams. This school also, provides
six musical groups, as well as
championships for mathematics,
speech, and debate teams. What
are some of the clubs in this high
school? There is a boys blowing,
boys fencing team, swimming,
and etc. There is actually a lot
that you can do. There are so
many things to choose from. I
think this is a great school with
such activities and clubs. There
are so many competitions that
can challenge you. Also, this
school has many varieties. This
school is great.

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