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The four characters status is shown in various ways to the opening of The
Godfather. When the camera shot changes into a dirty single, we only see the
shoulder of someone else - this is person has the authority in the room. He is in charge
because when he put out his hand it indicated to his worker to bring over a drink; he
didn't have to ask or say anything at all. Therefore we are aware he has power over
everyone. In addition his identity is not revealed, makes the scene mysterious - we
want to know who the guy with power is.

The other guy who we first see has to move
over to the unidentified guy to whisper
something. The fact that the mysterious guy
did not to move or try connotes that he is

Camera shot starts as a close up, we can see
the facial expressions clearly. But then the
camera slowly tracks backwards making the
man seem smaller - this reflects on what he says as he is getting more emotional
suggesting he is not only visually smaller but also on the inside he is smaller too.
The workers have no dialogue at all implying they are not significant.
All the conversation shots is kept within the 180 degree rule.
Mise en scene is a brown, spacious, American-like office; reflects on their
profession. The tones are dark creating a secretive and mysterious atmosphere.

At the beginning the screen is all black, the film
title appears and dissolves slowly into the black
screen, the duration of the dark sheet is long.
This connotes again - mystery. When the voice
over begins, it fades into the first shot - close up -
of the man.
The music is slow paced and quite old fashioned.

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