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Executive Summary

What is Arab Interns?

Arab Interns" is an innovative platform designed to connect college students and fresh
graduates with growing companies in the Gulf and MENA through internships.
Arab Interns is a "UNIQUE SERVICE SOLUTION" that will enhance the Cultural & Economical
status regionally.
Technically, "Arab Interns" will use technology in order to reinvent the internship application
by introducing a unique market based intelligent module by applying an algorithm that
automatically select the best candidate for the internship market available.
Our platform will provide highly qualified candidates/talents for employers, a dashboard for
universities to track their students' performance and finally delivering our slogan
"Internships Made Easy", Students will have the opportunity to find an internship that will
give them a real world experience in an "Easy.Simple.Engaging" approach!
Arab Interns is a developing idea that have reached great milestones and currently the team
is developing an advanced platform for better market penetration as well better services .

Winner of Intel Berytech Innovation Challenge
Finalist at Intel Business Challenge MENA 2013
Semi-Finalist at Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Tech I
Finalist at ArabNet Riyadh 2014
The How
The platform offers great social values as it address three major segments in a market that
has a huge gap and no presences of such solution that will dramatically assist students in the
Arab region to find internships allowing them to have adequate experience that will open
new horizons for them in their future career.
Arab Interns redefines the internship application by adding a new process that is based on
our technology named QA (Qualification Assessment) or our secret sauce, where it will offer
students a full analysis report with weakness & strengths & saves corporations Time &
Money by Increasing the Quality of Interns while reducing the time to go through stacks of
Value Propositions:
For Students:
- Internship Application Made Easy
- Unique Qualifications Assessment Report ( Technology Based )
- Increase Employment Opportunities
- Gaining Practical Experience
- Online Advisor/Prof. Recommendation
For Companies:
- Top / Talented Candidates Guaranteed
Executive Summary

- Unique Selection Platform
- Social Hiring Experience
- Intern Utilization Advice
- Jobs VS Students Market Analysis
- Semester's Ranking Publishing
The innovation is based on addressing the huge market gap available by offering an
economical & social solution for the Arab Region with the assist of new technology means.
The Why :
Almost 3 million young people enter the job market each year in the Arab world. Job
creation is the most challenging issue facing the region: the youth unemployment rate is
nearly double the global rate and has risen steadily over the past three years. Arab Interns is
facing this challenge by addressing SME's to offer Internships as SME's represent 90 % of the
economic development.

Based on Research & Studies by International Organizations (World Bank, Booz & Co,
Deloitte and WEF)
Market Facts:
- No. Of Ranked Universities in Arab World 700 University
- Based on only 65 Universities in the Arab Region > 1,300,000 Yearly College Students
- 2.8 million young people entering the labor markets yearly ( Arab World
Competitiveness Report )
- Small & Medium Enterprises (> 3,000,000 SME's) & Large companies regionally.
Unfortunately there has been no web platform that is internship oriented in the Arab Region
until this moment and thats what make Arab Interns Unique, but there is indirect
competitors such as old fashioned way, career university offices but we will also be
partnering with them as it gives their students more chances to find internships.
The Team :
Arab Interns team consist of passionate young students who shows huge dedication to the
project and love , all team members are on the top on their university grade scale which
qualifies them in their field of expertise , the team consist of web developer , web Designer ,
Graphics designer , social media guru , & the management founders .

Our founder Aladdin always pursued out innovative solutions to challenging problems in our
community, Regardless of the task or challenge Aladdin believes Arab Interns is successful
because it's a unique idea, and it's powered by the energy and passion of its young team
Our Co-Founder Mooneer has led the success of many stimulating projects in our
community, His experience with global organizations brings the best to the success of Arab
Interns .He always believes in the power of youth & their abilities to be revenue generators .

Executive Summary

From Idea to a Startup Strategy:
Arab Interns is taking two roads for transforming the idea to a startup, Bootstrapping &
Competitions Participations; we are developing the platform by ourselves and will complete
all project phases such as research, platform development, marketing with the means of
bootstrap and the assistance of family & friends. On the other hand we are applying to
competitions in order to fasten up the process which will allow us to get mentorship for the
project that will help us to make sure we are following the right track.

Arab interns has developed a strategic market penetration plan and will be piloting at
Lebanon partnering with pioneer universities available where they have launched their beta
version at the beginning of the year 2014 as well it is getting assistance from serial
entrepreneurs available in their community . Moreover it is worth to mention that Arab
interns has already started building its fan bases using social media and have more the 8,000
followers !

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