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Title of Activity: magnetism

Reference Section:
BBC (N.D). Magnets and Springs. Retrieved Sept. 29, 2014, from
Grade Level: 2
Subject! S%ien%e
Brief Description of Activity:
St&dents #i(( eiter go to te #e$site temse(ves or #i(( ,oin as a %(ass to %omp(ete $ot
te game and te re(ating -&i.. /e #e$site te0 #i(( go to is!
ttp!""###.$$%.%o.&'"s%oo(s"s%ien%e%(ips"ages")*+"magnets*springs.stm( 1f st&dents
finis $efore teir peers te0 ma0 e2p(ore te #e$site for some more interesting s%ien%e
games and test tem o&t.
General Learner Outcome:
Des%ri$e te intera%tion of magnets #it oter magnets and #it %ommon
Specific Learner Outcomes:
Disting&is materia(s tat are attra%ted $0 a magnet from tose tat are not.
IT Outcomes:
C.3 4 St&dents #i(( &se te%no(og0 to investigate and"or so(ve pro$(ems.
5.6 4 St&dents #i(( pra%tise te %on%epts of ergonomi%s and safet0 #en &sing te%no(og0.
7.6 4 St&dents #i(( navigate and %reate 0per(in'ed reso&r%es.
Rationale for omputer Inte!ration:
Comp&ters ave $een &sed in tis (esson so tat st&dents %an f&((0 intera%t and $e
engaged #it te (esson. St&dents %an test teir o#n &nderstanding $0 p(a0ing tro&g
te intera%tive game #i% provides $ot 8game p(a09 as #e(( as a e(pf&( -&i.. /is
a((o#s ever0 st&dent to intera%t #it teir o#n (earning" &nderstanding. : tea%er %an
a(so #a(' aro&nd and see o# te %(ass is doing or even &se a SM:R/ $oard to p(a0 te
game, and so(ve te -&i., #it te #o(e %(ass.

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