Early Childhood

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Early Childhood

1. Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing children should
attain during this period of development
Two to three years old children do a kind of hurried walk then they change it to running. As they get older
to about four five years old, they are able to run and gallop while playing. They are more balanced on the
2. Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing children
should achieve in this period of development
At two years old, a childs vocabulary has grown so much that the child can produce up to a four or five
word sentences. At this stage, the older ones are able to use and understand print as a meaningful and
organized system of communication. They are able to read a book by showing the pictures in the book
and talking about the pictures.
3. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing children should
achieve in this period of development
This age group is able to use math skills in everyday routines to count, compare, relate, identify patterns,
and solve problems. They are also able to use scientific skills in their everyday routines to observe,
predict, and ask questions to better understand their world.
4. Explains at least two social-emotional milestones
Be able to look at a situation differently (Teaching strategies, 2010). A child in this developmental stage
can come into class and want to go to the block area to play, but then he notices that the block area
already has the number of people that is allowed to be there. The child looks around to find which other
areas are available for him to go play in. they love to play dress-up. Children in this age group enjoy
dressing-up using different types of clothing. They also like to pick a community helper and dress like
5. Explains at least two moral/self-regulation milestone.
Control strong emotions in an appropriate manner most of the time. A school age child who comes into
class and says, I am so excited because we are going to the zoo today. As the child is saying it, he is
jumping and minding so that he does not hurt anyone around him. Children in this developmental stage
are able to manage their emotions and regulate their behaviors by learning how to control their impulses
(Teaching strategies, 2010). For example, a preschooler decides to go play somewhere else with another
group of children because some people in his group do not want to share properly.
6. Explains at least two signs that may signal atypical development during this period of
A child that is not developing properly in this stage might have difficulty responding to questions or having
eye contacts with adults. Also if the child is not consistent with an activity, always moving from one activity
to another without finishing any of them could be a sign of atypical development. A child that resists
dressing, sleeping, and or going to toilet is also a sign of atypical development during this stage.
7. Identifies at least one social factor that influences this stage of development
Early deprivation can influence this stage of development negatively. When children in this stage do not
experience the rich adult contact and stimulations they need to develop properly, they might remain
substantially below average in physical and psychological development and they may display emotional
and behavioral problems throughout childhood and adolescence (Berk, 2013).
8. Identifies one cultural factor that influences this stage of development.
Exposure to lead can impair the development of children in this developmental stage. Children who are
exposed to lead are likely to have learning impairments and behavior problems (Berk, 2013).
9. Describes at least two strategies that families can use to influence their childrens learning and
development during this period of development
Families can help the child to be exposed to different topics, experiences, and activities and help them to
be independent with their interactions with materials they are playing with. Also, making sure that children
go for their yearly physical check-ups and receive their regular vaccinations help to improve the
development of children in this developmental stage.
10. Incorporates at least two images that relate to physical, language, or cognitive development for
this period of development to enhance the visual appeal of your fact sheets
These are two years olds playing with legos.
These are toddlers having a science experience in early
childhood environment.
This a picture of a two and half years
old feeding self using a spoon.
Berk, L.E. (2013). Child development. Boston: Pearson Education
Teaching strategies Gold, (2010). Development and Learning: Birth through Kindergarten. Washington,
D. C.

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