Senator Dan Patrick Wins Debate

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Nonuay, Septembei 29, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi makes the following statement iegaiuing tonight's uebate against his

"This evening's uebate seiveu as a ieminuei to all Texans that theie is no cleaiei
choice between two canuiuates than theie is in this iace foi Lieutenant uoveinoi. I
am the pio-business, pio-jobs canuiuate that will lowei piopeity taxes foi all
Texans, cut wasteful state goveinment spenuing, eliminate job-killing iegulations,
impiove oui schools, secuie the boiuei, anu continue to woik haiu foi my fellow

"Ny opponent, on the othei hanu, will continue to iecklessly push a libeial job-
killing agenua by iaising youi taxes, expanuing 0bamacaie, uangeiously spenuing
moie tax uollais on faileu libeial policies, keeping too many chiluien tiappeu in
failing schools, anu weakening oui boiuei iathei than secuiing it. Bei voting iecoiu
suppoits this.

"Texans know wheie I stanu. I've spent the last yeai talking about the issues anu
listening to voteis acioss the state. I base my piioiities on the neeus anu conceins of
oui citizens.

"Theie is no bluiiing of the lines in this iace. We have both cast thousanus of votes
as Senatois anu the iecoius aie cleai - I'm a conseivative who ieflects the values of
most Texans anu she is a libeial who uoes not."

Noie infoimation about the campaign is available at www.BanPatiick.oig.


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