Twiligh 1

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The film Twilight is based on the book by Stephenie Meyer, and the film was directed by Catherine
Hardwicke. The protagonist are Kristen Stewart like Bella Swan, Robbert Pattinson like Edward
Cullen and Taylor Lautner like Jacob Black.
the film its about vampires and werewolves, it is a love history between a vampire and an human,
its very interesting because its like a forbidden love Bella Swan is in love with Edward Cullen but
then they have too many problems because Edwards family wanted to kill to Bella and for
another part Jacob the werewolve is in love with Bella too but in the end Bella get married with
Edward and Jacob is in love with Bellas daughter, Jacob could see the future and he thought he
was in love with Bella but he discovered he all the time was in love with Bellas daughter. Its was
filmed in USA , this movie has three movies more, new moon, eclipse and amanecer part 1 and 2.
This movie is the best for me, but I prefer read the book, because on the film there arent some
parts in the book there are. And I learnt the true love exists and nothing is imposible.

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