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Behavior Plan

My behavior management is based off of a system. Everyday

students will start off with a 3. A 3 will indicate that the student is ready to learn
and is following classroom rules. If the student has had more than one warning
the next step is to move to a 2. Once the student has reached a 2, a note will be
sent home and needs to come back signed by a parent. If a student is at a 2
and is still not following the rules, the student will be moved to a 1. A 1 will result
in a call home and possible further consequences
depending on the individual situation. If a student is
coming home with a 1 more than twice a week a
conference will be held with the students parents. At
the end of the week if the student is earning consistent
3s every day, coins will be given to the student. These
coins are used for buying things out of the classroom
treasure chest.
This 1, 2, 3 system can be used in many different ways for example, cards
and clip down systems. I would use the number system to go along with my
under the sea theme. I would make a boat somewhere on one of the classroom
walls. Each student would have a card with their name written on it. A 1 will
leave you inside the boat. A 2 will move your card to the edge of the boat and
a 1 will leave you overboard.


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