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Middle Childhood

1. Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing

children should attain during this period of development
At this stage, children develop well physically by increasing their balance, strength, agility and
flexibility. Their running speed increases by more than 18 feet per second (berk, 2013). They are
able to sprint across the playground and play soccer ball with skills and balance.
2. Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing
children should achieve in this period of development
Children use shading where by the speaker initiates a change of topic gradually by modifying the
focus of discussion, they are also able to understand illocutionary intent which means they are
able to understand what the speaker means to say even if the form of the utterance is not
perfectly consistent with it (Berk, 2013)
3. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing
children should achieve in this period of development
Children in this stage are able to think a more organized, logical fashion about concrete
information. They display more effective spatial reasoning such as being able to construct a well-
organized cognitive map with clear direction (Berk, 2013). They are able to embark on
cooperative learning by being team players and participate in group projects.
4. Explains at least two social-emotional milestone
Developing social self (Cherry, unknown). As children enter school, they start to pay greater
attention to those around them. As they notice other people more and more, they also begin to
compare themselves to their peers. During this stage, children begin to develop a better sense of
how the fit into their social environment.
5. Explains at least two moral reasoning/self-regulation milestones
In this stage, children are monitoring to assure that they understand what they are reading. They
modify their study strategy to improve their comprehension. They use productive strategies to
manage their emotions
6. Identifies at least one social factor that influences this stage of development
Self esteem. Middle childhood is a time when most children begin to judge themselves and are
judged by others. If a child sees themselves as competent and smart and likes who they are they
will have good self esteem. If a child fails to demonstrate some skill that they feel makes them
worthy they will have poor self esteem.
7. Identifies at least one cultural factor that influences this stage of development
Family religion and values are cultural factors that can influence development in this stage.
Obesity is a factor that can influence the development of children in this stage.
8. Explains at least two signs that may signal atypical development during this period of
Inability to control ones temper at this stage is a sign of atypical behavior. For example, a child
in this stage who is unable to be controlled during an emotional outburst can be said to display
atypical development. Unable to control oneself during classes shows atypical development.
9. Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning
and development during this period of development
Constantly communicating with the child by holding positive communications and showing
interest in the childs life will help the child to have a positive attitude towards learning.
10. Incorporates at least two images that relate to physical, language, or cognitive
development for this period of development to enhance the visual appeal of your fact
Children who are always neglected can be victims of
Children participating in a class
Middle childhood children participating in sports
Berk, L.E. (2013). Child development. Boston: Pearson Education
Cherry K. (unknown). Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood. Retrieved

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