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Republic of the Philippines

University of Eastern Philippines

College of Arts and Communication
Department of Languages and Communication

English 121
Writing in the Discipline
(Final Examination 2
Semester AY 2013-2014)

Part I. Please read through so you may be able to do the tasks ask of you in Part II. As study titled
Perceived Difficulty in English 121 Among Selected Students was conducted using the descriptive
research design. It involved 35 freshman students from the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and
Restaurant Management (BSHRM), 32 from the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
Marketing (BSBA), 30 from Bachelor in Technology in Electrical Technology, 35 from Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology (BSIT) and 32 from Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BS Ag.
Engg.). There was a total of 164 student- respondents.
Findings of the study include the following: As to sex there were 75 male and 89 female
student-respondents; 70 were within the age bracket of 15 to 17 years old of age; 64 within the age
bracket of 18 to1 9 years old and the remaining 30 within the age bracket of 20 years old and above. As
to income of their family, the following was revealed: 32 were within the income bracket of P6,000.00
and below; 35 within the income P7,000.00 to 8,500.00; 30 within P8,600.00 to P 12,000.00; 32 within P
12,500 to P15,000.00 and another 35 within P15,500 and above.
On multiple response, it was revealed that the student-respondents found spelling English
words difficult with a multiple response of 83; writing paragraphs with 143 responses; writing narratives
123; organizing the research paper 164; writing classroom activities 88.

PART II. Read the instruction carefully before answering. On your yellow pad paper/s make tabular
(table) presentation showing frequency counts, percentage distribution, ranking (where applicable)
and short descriptive paragraph for each of the following:

A. Course of the student-respondents (20 points)
B. Sex of the Student-respondents (20 points)
C. Age of the student-respondents (20 points)
D. Family Income (20 points)
E. Perceived Difficult Tasks in English 121 (20 points)

Happy writing.

Prepared by:

Lourdes A. Olmedo

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