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The Early Republic Of Rome

1. Rome became an Empire.

Many different kings ordered the

construction of Romes first temples.

It grew from hilltop villages to a city covered
nearly 500 square miles.

2. Rome established a republic.

Voting rights were only granted to free-born

male citizens.

After having a harsh king they decided that
they would establish a republic.

3. Different groups struggled for power.

Patricians were the wealthy landowners.

Plebeians were the farmers, artisans, and the

4. The patrician inherited their social power and wealth

Plebians had the right to vote.

Tribunes protected the laws of the Plebeians

5. The creation of the Twelve Tables

451 B.C. plebeians wrote down some laws.

established the idea that all free citizens have
the right to protect the law

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