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1. Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing children should
attain during this period of development
For girls, they experience the growth of their breasts. As girls get into the adolescence age, their breasts
begin to develop and get bigger. They also grow pubic hair in their armpit and their genital area. Boys
grow bears and pubic hair also. Their chests become brother.
2. Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing children
should achieve in this period of development
They have the ability to generate clear oral narratives that contributes to literacy development that can
also boost their writing skills.
3. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing children should
achieve in this period of development
They become conscious of their weight and appearances at all times. They become aware of others and
try to please or attract others by their appearances. They become sexually active.
4. Explains two social-emotional milestones
At this stage, children begin to understand and appreciate other people. They begin to refer to
themselves as individuals and as members of social groups. They also begin to build relationship with
opposite sex (Berk, 2013)
5. Explains at least two moral reasoning/self-regulation milestones
They understand that in other to gain favor from someone, they should be willing to do something for
them. They are able to develop conscience due to fear of punishment and lose of parental love and care
(Berk, 2013).
6. Explains at least one sign that may signal atypical development during this period of development
Anxiety and depression are sings of atypical development in this stage. An adolescence who gets
pregnant while still in school, can face depression which might in turn affect the child negatively.
7. Identifies at least one social factor that influences this stage of development
Parental style of discipline is a factor that can influence development in this stage of development (Berk,
8. Identifies at least one cultural factor that influences this stage of development
Personality and peer pressure are factors that influence development in this stage of development.
Adolescence whose friends use illegal drugs and alcohol are likely to be influenced to join them or be
teased for being weak.
9. Describes at least two strategies that families can use to influence their childrens learning and
development during this period of development
Families should form a habit of eating meals together with their children because it will help children to be
advanced in language and literacy development. They should also create a support system that can help
this young mother cope with the new family life she has entered. Parents and adults should initiate
discussions that promote high-level thinking both in school and at home.
10. Incorporates at least two images that relate to physical, language, or cognitive development for
this period of development to enhance the visual appeal of your fact sheets
Adolescence who are taking illegal drugs
and drinks, and are smoking.

Berk, L.E. (2013). Child development. Boston: Pearson Education

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