Sped Laws and Principals Including Ieps

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Answers to Activity
Landmark Legislation for
Persons with Disabilities
Legislation Related to Education:
Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped
Children Act of 1975
Public Law 105-17, the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act Amendments of 1997
Public Law 108-446, the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Improvement Act of 2004
Public Law 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Civil Rights Legislation:
Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Public Law 101-336, the Americans with Disabilities Act of

Laws Comparison Chart (Handout)
Seven Principles of IDEA
(refer to your Resource Collection Artifact from the UPC)

Free-at no cost to parents
Appropriate-suited to the individual needs of the
Public-provided by, or paid for by , the public
school system
Education (including extracurricular activities)

Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
2. Appropriate Evaluation
Evaluators must be knowledgeable and trained.
A variety of instruments and procedures must be
used to gather information about the student.
Tests and other procedures must be selected and
administered so as not to be discriminatory or a
racial or cultural basis.
Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
3. Individualized Education
Program (IEP)
IEP Team members meet at least annually.
Team develops, reviews, and (if appropriate
revises the IEP.
The IEP is used to guide the education of the
Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
4. Least Restrictive Environment
..to the maximum extent appropriate children
with disabilities, including children in public or
private institutions or other care facilities, are
educated with children who are non disabled;
and that special classes, separate schooling or
other removal of children with disabilities from
the regular education environment occurs only
when the nature or severity of the disability is
such that education in regular classes with the
use of supplementary aids and services cannot
be achieved satisfactorily.
Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
5. Parent and Student Participation
in Decision-making
Congress finds the following:

Over 20 years of research and experience have
demonstrated that the education of children with
disabilities can be made more effective by
strengthening the role of parents and ensuring that
families of such children have meaningful
opportunities to participate in the education of their
children at school and at home.
Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
6. Procedural Safeguards
Parent notification
Parent consent
Parent access to educational records
Due process hearings, including disclosure of
evaluation results and recommendations
Opportunity to present due process complaints
Seven Principles of IDEA (cont.)
7. Right to Educational
Establish goals for students with disabilities that
are consistent with goals for all children.
Included in the state-wide assessment with
appropriate accommodations and alternative
assessments when necessary.
Special Education teachers must be adequately
Civil Rights Law
Does not directly deal with
the education of students with
Requires employers make
reasonable. accommodations
to all individuals with
Ensures that transportation
and buildings and public
places are accessible.
No additional funds provided.
Civil Rights Law
Eliminates discrimination on
the basis of disability.
Protects all school-age
children who have a physical
or mental disability that
substantially limits a major life
No additional funds provided.
Requires an plan prepared by
a group of persons
knowledgeable about the

Parental Choice
School Flexibility and Local Control
Research-Based Teaching Methods
Highly Qualified Teachers and Para-educators

Even private schools and those who home-
school are governed by this law in that they
must provide equitable programming to public
Junctions: IDEA and NCLB
Goals for Student Performance
Flexibility of Funds
Highly Qualified Teachers and Para-educators
(refer to your Resource Collection Artifact from the
The Referral Process
IEP Placement
IEP or 504?
IEP Contents
(Well come back to this one with a scavenger hunt)


Measurable Goals

Objectives if appropriate

Progress measured, reported

Extended School Year (ESY) Special Factors

School-Wide Assessment
Special Education and Related

Accommodations, modifications,
supplementary aids and supports for student
or teacher
Start from regular education full time with

Initial consent for placement and services

Annual review

Written notice of change
Writing Goals & Objectives
Annual Goals
A statement of what a student can
reasonably accomplish during the duration of
the IEP (one year)

1. Direction of change
2. Areas of excess or deficit
3. Present levels of performance
4. Expected annual ending level
5. Resources needed to accomplish expected
performance level
For example . . . .
1. Susan will increase
2. Reading readiness
3. From pre-primer
4. To primer level
5. Using individual and small-group instruction
Another example . . .
Joe will decrease shouting out behavior from
5 times or more per class period to 0 times
per class period using a point sheet with
rewards and response cost

1. Direction
2. Behavior
3. Present Level
4. Ending Level
5. Resource
Short-Term Objectives or
Provide a basis for determining a students
progress towards meeting the goal.
Must be observable and measurable!
Minimum of 2 per goal.
Four components include:
1. Performance of specific behavior
2. Conditions under which the behavior is performed
3. Criterion for attainment
4. Evaluation procedures
For example . . . .
1. Given a list of ten words and a list of
meanings selected from science units,
2. James will match the word to its meaning
3. with 90% accuracy
4. as measured on end-of-unit tests.
Another example . . .
Given 5 word problems during each daily
math class, Susan will select the correct
answer from four options with 80% accuracy
as charted by the teacher.

1. Performance of specific behavior
2. Conditions under which the behavior is performed
3. Criterion for attainment
4. Evaluation procedures
What is wrong with these
Andrew will play appropriately
with his peers during lunch
recess 9 out of 10 times as
observed by his teacher.
Next example . . . .
The child will increase
reading skills to grade-level
And another . . . .
Billie will complete all
assignments and turn them
in 80% of the time.
And another . . .
Jonathan will stay on-task
during math class as
observed by his peer-tutor.
Assessment Participation and Accommodations

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