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Chaudhry Saim Talib

Mr. Farhan
Hist of Subcon
1) The Origins of Mughal Empire: In 1526 Zaheer-ud-din Babar
invaded India and fough agains Ibrahim !odi" #e ou$lassed
Ibrahim !odi even hough he odds %ere agains him 1& o 1" #e
used fire arms for he firs ime in India and Ibrahim !odi's
elephans rampled heir o%n arm("
2) The )oundaion of Mughal Empire: The previous invaders had
been plunderers* %ho never %aned o sele do%n in India"
Babar had made up his mind o sa( and build an empire* %hi$h
%as he grandes in he hisor( of he Muslims" This grandeur
lased nearl( for 2&& (ears before is de$line"
3) India under Mughal Emperors: Babar %as he founder bu
#umu(un %as a %ea+ ruler %ho los he empire o ,hershah
,uri" -+bar %as a grea emperor* %ho gave a a. s(sem* %hi$h
is even follo%ed ill oda(" #e invaded nearl( he %hole of India"
#e %as illierae (e he %as ver( inelligen and m( marr(ing
%ih he /a0pu #indus* giving high offi$es o he /a0pu nobles*
he +ep hem under $onrol" 1ahangir %as a %ea+ ruler be$ause
his empress 2oor 1ahan overshado%ed him and ruled mos of
he ime" ,hah 1ahan %as he real ar$hie$* %ho made
magnifi$en buildings* %hi$h even oda( li+e he Ta0 Mahal is
$onsidered o be one of he %onders of he %orld" -urang3eb he
las grea Mughal emperor %as ver( orhodo. and due o his he
los he favor of he /a0pu hindus and Marahas and fough a
bale* %hi$h he $ould never %in" #o%ever* he is $onsidered o
be one of he $auses of he do%nfall of he Mughal Empire due o
his bigoed vie%s"
4) Babur 41526-155&6: The founder of he Mughal empire*
ou$lassed Ibrahim !odi in he firs bale of 7anipa" #e had
$ome o build an empire in India and he s%ore and bro+e all his
%ine $ups and pra(ed o 8od for su$$ess in he firs bale of
7anipa" 9hen #umu(un fell ver( seriousl( si$+* he %en round
his bed : imes and pra( o 8od o a+e his life and spare
#umu(un's life"
5) #uma(un 4155&-15566:#uma(un %as a %ea+ ruler %ho los his
empire o ,hershah ,uri" Though he %as a learned person* (e
be$ause he %as an addi$* he $ould no run his empire ver( %ell"
#e had o es$ape o 7ersia and a+e refugee and help from he
7ersian +ing o regain his hrone"
6) -+bar 41556-16&56: -+bar he greaes of he Mughal emperors
ruled for nearl( 5& (ears" #e $ame o he hrone a a bare age of
15 (ears* even hough he %as illierae* he %as e.remel(
inelligen and learned o use %eapons" B( marr(ing hindu
/a0pus and giving high offi$es o he hindu /a0pu nobles* he
%on heir hears" #e e.panded his empire nearl( o he %hole of
) 1ehangir 416&5-162:6: #e %as a %ea+ ruler and addi$ed o
drin+ing %ine mos of he ime" 2oor 1ahan he empress
overshado%ed his rule" #o%ever* he %as famous for his 0usi$e"
!) ,hah 1ehan 4162:-165;6: The Mughal empire rea$hed is 3enih
during his rule and ,hah0ahan %as he greaes builder of he
Mughal Empire as spe$iall( famous for building he Ta0 Mahal*
$onsidered o be one of he 9onders of he %orld"
") -urang3eb 4165;-1:&:6: #e %as an e.$ellen general bu due o
his religious bigor( he failed o rise above he o$$asion" #e re-
imposed he 0i3(a %hi$h %as a a. imposed on he #indus"
Throughou his rule* he had o figh he /a0pus and he
Marahas" The( never gave him a pea$e of mind"
1#) The <risis of Mughal Empire: Throughou he Mughal
hisor(* he ransfer of po%er %as never smooh" Brohers +illed
brohers and someimes sons +illed fahers and vi$e-versa" The
hindu populaion ounumbered he Muslims and a grea $are %as
re=uired o %in he hears of he #indus o rule smoohl("
#o%ever* -urang3eb espe$iall( due o his bigoed vie%s suffered
he %ors"
11) Mughal -r and -r$hie$ure: Mughal ar and ar$hie$ure
%ere a is heigh during heir rule" The( buil fors* gardens*
Mausoleums and Mos=ues* %hi$h spea+ of hem even oda(" The
!ahore for and he >elhi for* he ,halimar 8ardens* he grea
Ta0 Mahal and 1ahangir's Tomb* he Badshahi mos=ue* he >elhi
mos=ue* and ohers" 7aining* musi$* and oher (pes of ars
%ere also en$ouraged"

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