Youtful Appearance

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Hey guys. It is now a few years later and I am 45.

I have been sticking to the r

ites and am off and on with the sixth rite and I'm looking young. No grey hair,
people take me for my 30's and one lady was talking to someone I knew and she pu
t me at about 30. It is starting to be a noticeable problem as people are starti
ng to question me. I look at my classmates from high school on Facebook and the
majority of them are grey haired. How far will this go: who knows. I am doing so
me other stuff too..visualization exersizes . I pretend that I found my 25 year
old self's body and aura and meditating for 30 seconds visualize merging my curr
ent body/aura with my 25 year old body/aura and the 25 year old one taking over
and replacing every cell in my body with the 25 year old me as it merges into me
. Its quite a powerful meditation and it requires willpower, concentration and b
elief like its actually happening, like you can actually feel your 25 year old s
elf merging into you and all the skin/nerves/hair/face/muscles actually rapidly
regenerating back to the point where you look 25; you ARE 25. You can do this wh
ile driving. Visualize your face feeling itself moving and pulling taut and sudd
enly looking as it was in your 20's: bright eyes, pink oily glowing skin, etc an
d feel it happening during the 30 second visualization. Do this 30 second visual
ization 3 times a day along with the 5 Tibetan rites. For example you can do the
above 30 sec viz on the way to work in the car, one during your lunch break, an
d one in the evening at home and then do your 5 rites whenever during the day. T
he important thing is to stick with it and not slack. It takes effort to totally
concentrate on something in your mind for 30 second 3x day. Its work. But after
3 weeks uninterrupted you will start to see some pretty startling stuff.

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