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Name: Sheikh Muhammad Khurram
Fathers Name : Sheikh Muhammad Islam
Status : Married
` Religion : Islam
Nationality : Pakistani
Domicile : Punjab
Identity ard No: !"#$%&##%''$(&)
*ouse +ddress: *ouse No P ,$()-D# +sghar Mall. Scheme
/00st Post 1raduate college. +sghar Mall.
/3ce +ddress: Ofce No. 14-A, 1
Floor, Kashmir Gate
Plaza, Oosite !.!.", Murree #oad,
4ele0hone Nos: /3ce: $%,&##(,')5 6 $%,& ##(!,"%
Mobile : &'''-((&4))1
7oined Sheikh Sulaman 8a2 associates. handled many
ci9il cases. criminal cases. :amily cases and many
re0utable com0anies; <orking in i9il = riminal 8a2.
:amily la2. and handling many cases o: di>erent
re0utable com0anies and a00earing in ?uite a number
o: cases in lo2er. district and *igh court;
S.A.+S.+/S 0A.A-
a@ Date o: Anrollment as Ad1ocate "i2h /ourt 34-&(-
3&&5 .
b@ Date o: joining as +d9ocate District ourts 6u%e 3&&( ,
Date o: enrollment as lo2er courts 1'-&'-3&&)
A/A0*M+/ 78A,+F+/A.+ONS:
a@ M;+; Political Science :rom Punjab Bni9ersity 8ahore;
b@ 88;C :rom Internationl Islamic Bni9ersity Islamabad;
c@ C;+; :rom Punjab Bni9ersity 8ahore D:rom Post 1raduate
+sghar Mall ollege Ra2al0indi@
d@ $(%F; + D:rom 1o9t 1ordon ollege Ra2al0indi@
e@ Metric 2ith science :rom Muslim *igh School Ra2al0ind;
:@ Casic +rabic ertiEcate :rom I;I;B;I;
g@ om0uter course :rom Intell 4each 4omorro2 Program.
1rammar Public School Ra2al0indi;
h@ Casic om0uter Programs :rom +Fis com0uter college
1ot ""G marks in 88;C degree :rom international Islamic
Bni9ersity. Islamabad. '$G marks in +rabic ertiEcate. and
also got eF0erience o: teaching o: H/I 8e9el o: di>erent
Subjects and taught H/I le9el students and 1raduate le9el;
*9.#A /8##+/8,A#:
a@ *a9e been a good eF0erience o: teaching in 1rammar
Public School. Ra2al0indi;
b@ *a9e been reno2ned debtor in the 1o9t; Post 1raduate
+sghar Mall ollege. 1ordon ollege Ra2al0indi = in
International Islamic Bni9ersity Islamabad;
c@ *a9e been a good 2riter in Anglish MagaJines;
d@ <rote s0ecial editorial :or ollege MagaJines;
;ill <e ro1ided as re=uired.

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