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Lumbar disc herniation

Prof.Dr.Hidayet Sar
Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Department
What is a herniated disc?
The spine is made up of a series of connected
bones called "vertebrae.
The disc is a combination of strong connective
tissues which hold one vertebra to the next and
acts as a cushion between the vertebrae.
The disc is made of a tough outer layer called
the "annulus fibrosus" and a gel-like center
called the "nucleus pulposus."
As you get older, the center of the disc may
start to lose water content, making the disc less
effective as a cushion.
A herniated lumbar disc can press on the nerves in the
spine and may cause pain, numbness, tingling or
weakness of the leg called "sciatica." Sciatica affects
about 1-2% of all people, usually between the ages of
30 and 50.

A herniated lumbar disc may also cause back pain,
although back pain alone (without leg pain) can have
many causes other than a herniated disc.

Anatomy - Normal Lumbar Disc
In between each of the five lumbar vertebrae
(bones) is a disc, a tough fibrous shock-
absorbing pad.
Endplates line the ends of each vertebra and
help hold individual discs in place.
Each disc contains a tire-like outer band (called
the annulus fibrosus) that encases a gel-like
substance (called the nucleus pulposus).

Nerve roots exit the
spinal canal through
small passageways
between the vertebrae
and discs.
Pain and other
symptoms can
develop when the
damaged disc pushes
into the spinal canal or
nerve roots

Disc herniation
occurs when the
annulus fibrous
breaks open or
cracks, allowing the
nucleus pulposus to
This is called a
Herniated Nucleus
Pulposus (HNP) or
herniated disc
Signs and Symptoms
The lumbar spine consists of the five
vertebrae in the lower part of the spine,
each separated by a disc, also called a
lumbar disc.
The discs in this part of the spine can be
injured by certain movements, bad
posture, being overweight and disc
dehydration that occurs with age.
Signs and Symptoms
Although the lumbar vertebrae are the
biggest and strongest of the spinal bones,
risk of lumbar injury increases with each
vertebrae down the spinal column because
this part of the back has to support more
weight and stress than the upper spinal

Signs and Symptoms
The lumbar disc is the most frequent site
of injury in several sports including
gymnastics, weightlifting, swimming and
golf, although athletes in general have a
reduced risk of disc herniation and back

Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms of disc herniation in the lower back are
slightly different from symptoms in the cervical or
thoracic parts of the spine.
The spinal cord ends near the top lumbar vertebrae but
the lumbar and sacral nerve roots continue through
these spinal bones.
lumbar disc herniation may cause:
Lower back pain
Pain, weakness or tingling in the legs, buttocks and feet
Difficulty moving your lower back
Problems with bowel, bladder or erectile function, in
severe cases

Quads/Tibialis Anterior
Patellar reflex
Sensory Great toe and
medial leg
Strength of Ankle and
great toe dorsiflexion
Extensor Hallucis
Sensory to dorsum of

Ankle reflexes and
sensation of posterior
calf and lateral foot
Achilles reflex
Sensory to lateral and
plantar foot
Initial diagnosis of lumbar herniation generally is based on the
symptoms of lower back pain.
Your doctor will examine your sensation, reflexes, gait and strength.
Your doctor also may suggest the following tests:

X-ray -- High-energy radiation is used to take pictures of the spine.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) -- An MRI provides
detailed pictures of the spine that are produced with a powerful
magnet linked to a computer.
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan -- A CT scan uses a thin X-
ray beam that rotates around the spine area. A computer processes
data to construct a three-dimensional, cross-sectional image.
Electromyography (EMG) -- This test measures muscle response
to nervous stimulation.

Conservative treatment of lower disc pain usually is
successful over time.
It includes:
Pain medication or pain therapies such as ultrasound,
massage or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen
and acetaminophen
Physical therapy
Steroid injections
Education in proper stretching and posture

However, if your pain doesn't respond to
conservative treatment in two to four weeks,
your condition affects your bowel or bladder
function, or if it threatens permanent nerve
damage, your doctor may suggest surgery.
Modern methods of surgery allow some spine
operations to be performed through tiny
incisions using miniature instruments while a
microimaging instrument called an endoscope is
used to view the surgery site
The surgery usually includes removing the part
of the disc that has squeezed outside its proper
place, called a discectomy.
The surgeon also may want to remove the back
part of the vertebrae, called the lamina, in a
laminectomy; or to surgically open the foramen,
the holes on the side of the vertebrae through
which the nerves exit, in a foramenotomy.
Only about 10 percent of adult lumbar disc
patients require surgery and even fewer children
and adolescents
UCSF Spine Center orthopedic surgeons
also are investigating the effectiveness of
an implant that may replace damaged
lower back discs.

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