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Morris calls for emergency funding to alleviate the deplorable trolley situation in the

Limerick University Hospital

Todays figure of 47 people languishing on trolleys in the Limerick University Hospital has led to a call for
emergency procedures to be implemented at the Hospital to alleviate the disgraceful trolley situation.
have consistantly refused to be charmed by the H ! " spin #hich #as s#allo#ed by every $orth Tipperary
T %& Maura Hoctor & Michael Lo#ry #ho started the ill fated reconfigeration and 'lan (elly ) p ro of the
$enagh Hospital 'ction group no# disbanded* and $oel +oonan #ho u turned themselves into taking
even more services for the hospital that they promised to defend. These politicians have inflicted
incredible pain and anguish on the people of the Mid ,est by them into an 'ccident and
"mergency unit that is not fit for purpose and is an accident #aiting to happen. Todays figures of 47 seven
people lying on trollies #ithout dignity and #aiting to be diagnosed in an incredibly dangerous #ork
environment sho#s that the T % s of $orth Tipperary have failed the people #ho voted them in and should
apologise for their betrayal.
The H ! " should immediately open up more beds and also e/tend the opening hours of the small in0uries
units in $enagh and "nnis and e/plore the possibility of opening another 1rade 2 Hospital in the Mid
,est region and Limerick 0ust is not large enough. These figures come in mild #eather and #ill
undoubtedly #orsen as the #eather gets colder. t is no# time for emergency action before there is a
terrible tragedy in Limerick University Hospital . t is time for the H ! " and the 3oliticians of the Mid
,est to get do#n form their vory to#ers #here they depend on spin doctors to tell us untruths #hile the
people that they are paid to defend suffer the conse-uences.
4ours sincerely +llr. !5amie Morris M + + Tipperary +ounty +ouncil 678978:2

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