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21st August, 2014

Fri 22
Book Dress
Up Day
Tue 26
THPS Family
Wed 3
THPS Walk-
Thu 4
Fathers Day
Stall 9am-

Fathers Day
Card Making
Night 6-7pm
Wed 17
Grade 3
Sat &
Sun 8-9
Parent and
Tue 9
Parents and
Fri 19
Last Day
Term 3
Tue 16
Grade 4
Dates to Remember
40-50 Loddon Drive, Taylors Hill Telephone 9361 4900
PO Box 3665 Caroline Springs 3023
visit our website at :
Dear Taylors Hill Community,
Principal for a Day Program

Last week Cr. Lara Carli stepped out of the Melton Council Chambers and into
Taylors Hill PS for the thirteenth annual Principal for a Day event.
Principal for a Day gives a wide range of community and business leaders from
all walks of life a first-hand experience of a normal day in a Victorian government
school. It was a great pleasure to host Cr. Carli and she was very keen to
participate in a variety of activities such as speaking to our Grade 5/6 students,
sharing ideas with the staff and meeting the School Captains.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet with Cr. Carli again in the near
future to discuss the common ground we share around leadership and ways of
creating on-going and productive relationships.
As you may have seen in the news lately there has been an outbreak of measles
at a school in the Northern suburbs. We have not had any measles cases at our
school, but please refer to the attached fact sheet and make an appointment to
see your doctor if you have any concerns.
Danielle Stella
Numeracy and Literacy Week
25-31 August

See Page 2 for timetable of fun
activities next week
Whats Due

Languages Education Forms Due ~ tomorrow

Scienceworks Excursion Money Due ~ Thu 4 Sept

Prep Breakfast Money Due ~ Fri 5 Sept

5/6 Camp Money Due ~ Thu 11 Sept
Numeracy News Numeracy News Numeracy News Numeracy News August 21 August 21 August 21 August 21
st st st st
, 2014 , 2014 , 2014 , 2014

How did you solve this problem? How did you solve this problem? How did you solve this problem? How did you solve this problem?
Here is one solution for having one animal in each enclosure

It is essential that Australian students have sound numeracy skills. Parents have a pivotal role in their
childrens numeracy development, through encouragement, support and exposure to the use of
mathematics in everyday activities. National Literacy and Numeracy Week offers opportunities for
parents and the community to become involved. The Reach for the Stars numeracy activity
encourages parents and caregivers to actively participate in collecting data on drinking water.

Water at home
How many taps do you have inside and outside your home? Where are they? Are there any other
sources of water?
Help your child collect data on how many times water is used in a day at home (e.g. having a drink,
bathing, toilet, filling the kettle, watering the garden, feeding animals).
How much water does your bath hold? How much water is used in your shower in one minute? Do
you leave the tap running when brushing your teeth? How much water does your dishwasher use for a
full load? What is the capacity of the kitchen sink? How much water does your family drink? Are there
any dripping taps? What about water in the garden?
Discuss how you could save water at home. How much water could you save? How much money could
be saved?
Your child may be interested in interviewing you, a grandparent or a neighbour on where their
drinking water came from when they were at school.
Remember to share your results with your classroom teacher.
We are looking forward to seeing many of our families at our Family Numeracy Night, next We are looking forward to seeing many of our families at our Family Numeracy Night, next We are looking forward to seeing many of our families at our Family Numeracy Night, next We are looking forward to seeing many of our families at our Family Numeracy Night, next
Tuesday, August 26 Tuesday, August 26 Tuesday, August 26 Tuesday, August 26
th th th th
at 6.30pm. at 6.30pm. at 6.30pm. at 6.30pm. As always, have FUN exploring Numeracy together! As always, have FUN exploring Numeracy together! As always, have FUN exploring Numeracy together! As always, have FUN exploring Numeracy together!
Jill Benham Leading Teacher Jill Benham Leading Teacher Jill Benham Leading Teacher Jill Benham Leading Teacher
Family Numeracy Family Numeracy Family Numeracy Family Numeracy
Night Night Night Night
Tuesday August Tuesday August Tuesday August Tuesday August
26, 2014 26, 2014 26, 2014 26, 2014
6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 7.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm
Come along as a Come along as a Come along as a Come along as a
family and have family and have family and have family and have
fun exploring fun exploring fun exploring fun exploring
Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy
together. together. together. together.
Collect your Goody Bag Goody Bag Goody Bag Goody Bag
and Bingo card Bingo card Bingo card Bingo card to ex-
plore card, dice and
domino games, try out
your problem solving
skills, read a Big Book in
the Learning Centre,
check out the sports
room, count some mon-
ey, tell the time and pop
in to the Genius Bar.
August 25 August 25 August 25 August 25 - -- - 31 31 31 31
August 25 August 25 August 25 August 25 - -- - 31 31 31 31

Information for Parents
National Literacy and Numeracy Week aims to raise community awareness of the importance of literacy
and numeracy skills for all Australian students.
Throughout this week we recognise and celebrate the achievements of parents, teachers, principals, and
members of the wider community who are making a difference to the development of literacy and
numeracy skills in our students.
Engaging in your childrens education
Parents can have a big impact on their childrens education. Over 40 years of research tells us that how
well children do at school has a lot to do with what happens at home. Parents are the first and most
important influence on a childs attitudes and values toward school and learning. By creating a home
environment that encourages a continuous love of learning from an early age, you can help your child to
achieve positive outcomes throughout their schooling & beyond.
Being excited about National Literacy and Numeracy Week and engaging with your child as they take
part in the weeks activities is one way to foster this love of learning.
How you can get involved
Through National Literacy and Numeracy Week parents can join with their children, other students,
schools and teachers to participate in the fun literacy and numeracy activities.
Literacy activities
Read for Australia
The Read for Australia activity will allow parents to read with their children and school
communityparents can join in and read Sunday Chutney at 2pm Friday 29 August along with
schools across Australia. This activity will allow children to experience the social pleasure of
reading with their friends, teachers and parents.
Activities for parents
You may like to extend the Read for Australia activity by:
borrowing Sunday Chutney from your local library and reading it aloud with your children
making one day a week where the family read a book or part of a book aloud with each other
signing up to the Read for Australia activity at your childrens school
talking to your childrens teacher and finding out if you can help and participate in the Read
for Australia activity.
A Poem in Your Pocket
This year we are asking students to write a poem for our A Poem in Your Pocket activity. This
activity allows students to choose one of the many forms of poetry and choose a topic theyre
interested in. Then they can keep the poem handy to read to their classmates, teachers and
Activities for parents
You may like to extend the A Poem in Your Pocket activity by:
writing poetry with your children about different topics
reading poetry together with your children
look at some of the poetry resources on the National Literacy and Numeracy Week website
and research different types of poetry.

Numeracy activity

Reach for the Stars
This year the numeracy activity is all about water. In the classroom, students will be asked and will
discuss topics such as:
what is the major source of drinking water in your school?
how many water bottles does your class have today?
how many of each type and capacity?
is there any water other than in drink bottles in your classroom?
Activities for parents
You may like to extend the Reach for the Stars activity by:
talking about water sources in the house,
discussing different types of water containers (e.g. glasses, bottles, jugs etc)
investigating the different volumes of containers
finding out how water gets to your house (e.g. do you have a water tank? Do you re-cycle water
How you can stay up to date
The National Literacy and Numeracy Week website has a range of information and resources for parents
on how they can get involved in the weeks activities and how they can extend that engagement at
home. Make sure you visit the website
Please note change of time and day

Come and join us at Taylors Hill Primary
School for an hour of chat and play
You and your pre-school aged children are
invited to join us in room 8 on Wednesday
afternoons for an hour of fun for you and your

Please note change of time and day
Refreshments will be available
Where: Room 8 Taylors Hill Primary
When: Wednesdays 2:30 3:30
Dont have a pre-school child
Dont stress all welcome

Dear Parents / Guardians,

The House Captains and Vice House Captains will be holding a Walk-a-
thon on Wednesday, 3
September for the students at Taylors Hill
Primary School. The children will be walking around a marked course
earning points for their house. The event will be held on the schools
For a gold coin donation, the children can wear a top and/or some
form of decoration which is the colour of their house but all other
clothing must be school uniform. The donation will also allow the
students to cast a vote as to how the money raised will be spent.

Parents are welcome to attend the event and walk with their children or
watch and cheer them on. The four walk-a-thon sessions are as follows:

Session 1 9:15 am 9:45 am Prep
Session 2 10:00 am 10:45 am Grade 1 and 2 students
Session 3 11:45 am 12:30 pm Grade 3 and 4 students
Session 4 12:45 pm 1:30 pm Grade 5 and 6 students

The results of the walk-a-thon will be announced at Assembly which
will begin at the usual time of 2:45 pm.

It will be important for the children to wear footwear that is suitable
for walking and to bring their drink bottle.
Thank you and we hope to see you on the day.
House Captains and Vice House Captains and Miss Polatajko

House Captains Sports Event
Wednesday, 3
Loddon Calder Watervale Park
Log in ID: taylorshps
Password: library
Hurray! Book Week is here at last. In the Learning Centre we have the Short Listed
books including the winners from the Childrens Book Council of Australia which the
teachers will be sharing with students in the upcoming weeks. As well as these we also
have the beautifully illustrated and creative stories written by our own Taylors Hill
Book Week is one of my favourite times and it is great to see the excitement and rapt
attention as students listen to a story being read during Learning Centre time. We
have many new books ready to hit the shelves as soon as they are covered, if you are
able to help out please call and ask for me or leave a message. At present a few mums
and a dad are in the Learning Centre on a Wednesday and Thursday morning from 9
10am. They do a great job and are very welcoming.
Book Club is being distributed this week and it is a great opportunity to buy a great
book and benefit the school at the same time. To encourage reading a good idea is to
allow your child make a choice and talk to them about it.
All Book Club orders are due by TUESDAY 26
Last month a few parents snuck in late orders by paying after the due date using
credit card on-line. Please do not do this as we have a deadline so that all orders can
be processed in a timely and fair manner.

Mastering Minecraft in the STAR catalogue is unavailable
please do not order!

Have a great Book Week! Maria Sartori Library Technician
Coming up soon. Coming up soon. Coming up soon. Coming up soon.
Thursday 4 September ~ Between 9.00am and 1.00pm Thursday 4 September ~ Between 9.00am and 1.00pm Thursday 4 September ~ Between 9.00am and 1.00pm Thursday 4 September ~ Between 9.00am and 1.00pm
We will be having a Fathers Day Stall on Thursday 4 September. Each class will We will be having a Fathers Day Stall on Thursday 4 September. Each class will We will be having a Fathers Day Stall on Thursday 4 September. Each class will We will be having a Fathers Day Stall on Thursday 4 September. Each class will
go to the stall between 9:00 and 1:00pm to buy a small gift for their Dad. go to the stall between 9:00 and 1:00pm to buy a small gift for their Dad. go to the stall between 9:00 and 1:00pm to buy a small gift for their Dad. go to the stall between 9:00 and 1:00pm to buy a small gift for their Dad.
There will be a variety of gifts available, ranging in prices of $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and There will be a variety of gifts available, ranging in prices of $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and There will be a variety of gifts available, ranging in prices of $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and There will be a variety of gifts available, ranging in prices of $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and
$5.00. Children will be limited to purchasing $5.00. Children will be limited to purchasing $5.00. Children will be limited to purchasing $5.00. Children will be limited to purchasing one gift each one gift each one gift each one gift each to ensure everyone has the opportunity to ensure everyone has the opportunity to ensure everyone has the opportunity to ensure everyone has the opportunity
to buy something. to buy something. to buy something. to buy something.
If you would like your child to buy something from the Fathers Day Stall, please send money If you would like your child to buy something from the Fathers Day Stall, please send money If you would like your child to buy something from the Fathers Day Stall, please send money If you would like your child to buy something from the Fathers Day Stall, please send money
with your child on the day in a named purse, wallet, envelope or zip with your child on the day in a named purse, wallet, envelope or zip with your child on the day in a named purse, wallet, envelope or zip with your child on the day in a named purse, wallet, envelope or zip- -- -lock bag. This is a great lock bag. This is a great lock bag. This is a great lock bag. This is a great
learning experience, as the children will have the opportunity to shop independently (with just a learning experience, as the children will have the opportunity to shop independently (with just a learning experience, as the children will have the opportunity to shop independently (with just a learning experience, as the children will have the opportunity to shop independently (with just a
little guidance!). Please also provide your child with a plastic or recyclable shopping bag for them little guidance!). Please also provide your child with a plastic or recyclable shopping bag for them little guidance!). Please also provide your child with a plastic or recyclable shopping bag for them little guidance!). Please also provide your child with a plastic or recyclable shopping bag for them
to put their gift in. to put their gift in. to put their gift in. to put their gift in.
VOLUNTEERS: If there are any parents who are available to help with setting up the stall on VOLUNTEERS: If there are any parents who are available to help with setting up the stall on VOLUNTEERS: If there are any parents who are available to help with setting up the stall on VOLUNTEERS: If there are any parents who are available to help with setting up the stall on
Wednesday 3 September in the afternoon or working at the stall on the Thursday morning, Wednesday 3 September in the afternoon or working at the stall on the Thursday morning, Wednesday 3 September in the afternoon or working at the stall on the Thursday morning, Wednesday 3 September in the afternoon or working at the stall on the Thursday morning,
please put your name down at the office please put your name down at the office please put your name down at the office please put your name down at the office

ssshhhh, dont tell dad .

Thursday 4 September Thursday 4 September Thursday 4 September Thursday 4 September
Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm
In the Art Space In the Art Space In the Art Space In the Art Space
Enter at any time between 6:00pm and 7:00pm through the front door of
the school, choose a card and then be creative with colour and glitter to
make something super special for your dad. You dont need to stay for
the whole time when your card is finished; you can take it home and
find a spot to hide it until the big day.

We look forward to seeing lots of you there!
All students who attend Card Making Night will go in the draw to win a
great prize for Dad

Term 3, Week 4
Prep A Izza For overcoming her fears during our swimming program. Well done !
Prep B Jenica For displaying independence and confidence during the swimming program
Prep C Lilah For persisting in her swimming and always showing enthusiasm
Prep D Danny For displaying independence during the swimming program. Well done
Prep E Lachlan For demonstrating persistence and confidence when swimming
Prep F Ahmad For showing independence when in and out of the swimming pool
1A Rudra For being an honest, caring and positive member of 1A
1B Bryson For his creative ideas and contributions to out classroom door display
1D Amanpreet For always making good choices and being a star student
1E Koby For working very hard towards reading and writing activities
2A Chloe For reading every night and showing independence in class
2B Seth For being organised for learning before the bell and sharing his Numeracy
2C Sean For making an excellent start at Taylors Hill Primary School
2D Sebastian For creating a fantastic illustration for the class narrative
2E Houston For the amount of effort he puts in homework each week
3A Zackery For always contributing ideas to class discussions
3B Aidan For making a great effort when editing his story
3C Emma For her great effort in explaining her understanding of time
3D Sherry For writing a very creative Narrative for Book Week
4A Rahmeddin For his fantastic effort when learning the Lattice Strategy for multiplication
4B Nikita For her fantastic first week at Taylors Hill and settling in well
4C Najat For working hard to improve her reading and develop her comprehension
5A Tahlia For working independently to create an interesting narrative story
5B Tomai For attempting learning tasks with a can-do attitude and supporting her peers
when needed
6A Mohammad For volunteering his thoughts and group discussions
6B Patrick For responding to feedback on his public speaking

Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week

Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week Congratulations to our Students of the Week

Prep A Anastasia For always displaying a positive attitude to learning and trying her best to
achieve her goal
Prep B Chelsea For continuing to display the Taylors Hill Primary School values everyday
Prep C Savion For always offering to assist his classmates with their learn learning
Prep D Zariah For her detailed illustration in our class book Mrs Wishy Washy
Prep E Jett For working hard and making great improvements in his writing
Prep F Angus For being able to articulate his thinking during reflection time
1A Aidan For showing independence and confidence at the Grade 1 Dinner
1B Andre For demonstrating enthusiasm and excellent manners at the Grade 1 Dinner
1C Lincoln For using his knowledge of doubles to solve near doubles equations. Well
done !
1D Tyler For doing a great job developing his understanding of high frequency words
1E Sam For working hard to develop his handwriting formation
2A Stefan For continuing to focus on his handwriting
2B Kristian For an increased work stamins and persistence with challenging tasks
2C Phillip For all his hard writing and publishing his narrative
2D Deacon For putting great effort into his show and tell and creating a puppet show
2E Joseph For working so hard at this reading goals each week
3A Nathan For using strategies from his writers notebook to develop an outstanding
3B Joshua For publishing his narrative to a very high standard
3C Sue For showing great confidence when presenting her readings theatre
3D Ronaldo For improved focus during learning times and completing his narrative story
4A Tamara For her fantastic Narrative that she used lots of detail in
4B Aycha For using similes and descriptive language when writing her Narrative
4C Stefan For improves Whole Body Listening during whole class learning
5A Brandan For always displaying a positive attitude and trying his personal best to create
a descriptive narrative
5B Phu For showing great effort when completing all tasks and trying his personal
6A Alesha For the positive effort she demonstrated during Numeracy Lessons
6B Sabrina For always trying her personal best during learning tasks
Term 3, Week 5

Chiara, 2E For producing a very creative push and pull toy in Science
PE Miss
Ozcan, 1B For displaying enjoyment and doing his personal best during gymnastics
The Arts

The Arts
Prep B
For responding to feedback on his public speaking
Roman, Prep
For clearly displaying what a fair test is and isnt in our Science experiment
For Life
Jaymz, 2E For being brilliant in Learning for Life
Students of the Week ~ continued Students of the Week ~ continued Students of the Week ~ continued Students of the Week ~ continued
Term 3, Week 5
for Life
Sabrina, 6B For being a caring and responsible member the class
Brady, 3C For listening attentively and answering questions comprehensively in Science
PE Miss
Aaliyah, 4B For always looking out for her team mates during a game
PE Mrs
Kaan, 2C For his excellent attentive listening
The Arts
Mrs Amici
Grade 5B For consistently bringing a wonderfully positive attitude to all performing arts
lessons and putting in their effort in all activities
The Arts
Prep E For their amazing listening skills during Art
Rianna, 1C For sharing her knowledge of shadows with the class
Term 3, Week 4

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