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// Script for OllyScript plugin by SHaG - http://ollyscript.apsvans.

// Second Version of Haldir's Flexlm Seedfinder Script for Ollydbg
// Supported should be every Flexlm version >=7.2
// Remove all BP in the code before running this script
// Codebase is usually 00401000 for .exe or 10001000 for .dll
// In more recent Flexlm versions you need a faked license (like Feature f1 1.00
0 permanent uncounted HOSTID=ANY SIGN=12345678)
// otherwise it might not work
var jobstruct
var codebase
// start
msgyn "Did you remove all BPs?"
cmp $RESULT,1
je setup
ask "Enter Codebase of the Flexlm Module"
cmp $RESULT, 0
je cancel
mov codebase, $RESULT
jmp findlsg
msg "Please enter Codebase"
// It searches for a cmp with 0x87654321, which is located below a call to l_sg
// Then we calculate the offset for the call and execute to it
var pos
var callpos
find codebase, #81BD????????21436587#
mov pos, $RESULT
cmp pos, 0
je error
mov callpos, pos
sub callpos, 07
sub pos, 03
add pos,[callpos]
eval "l_sg is at: 0x{pos}"
go pos
jmp lsg
msg "An unknown error occured"
// The call to l_n36_buff is a call dword ptr, so we calc its offset again and e
xecute to it
var pos
var n36pos
mov pos, eip
find pos, #FF15????????#
mov pos, $RESULT
add pos,2
mov n36pos, [pos]
mov pos, [n36pos]
eval "l_n36_buff is at: 0x{pos}"
go pos
jmp n36buff
// We patch the Jobstruct at the EB05 jmp shortly above the vendor name loop
var pos
mov pos, eip
find pos, #EB05#
mov pos, $RESULT
go pos
jmp findjobstruct
// We check the registers to find the job struct (we check only edx and ecx (hav
en't seen anything else yet))
var check
mov check, [edx]
cmp check, 66
mov jobstruct, edx
je found
mov check, [ecx]
cmp check, 66
mov jobstruct, ecx
je found
jmp error
// Now we delete the rand() values in the job struct and execute to the end and
fish the seeds from there
add jobstruct, 04
fill jobstruct,10,00
var seed1
var seed2
var struct
var tempstruct
mov struct, ebp
add struct, 10
mov tempstruct, [struct]
add tempstruct,4
mov seed1, [tempstruct]
add tempstruct,4
mov seed2, [tempstruct]
eval "Your seeds are Seed1: 0x{seed1} and Seed2: 0x{seed2}"
// [BACK]

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