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1. The hotel guest was detained when he tried to check up without settling the bill.
2. Tony has to brush off his English before he goes to Australia for further studies.
3. The mundane job makes me feel tired and boring. ____________________
4. I purchased an interested book yesterday. ____________________
5. The rain had stoped when we went out. ____________________
6. I regretted so much for my below-pare performance. ____________________
7. He should be reprimanded for he had caused those young ladies to be invain.
8. I wish to have an imitate friend since childhood but I do not have one.
9. The dancers put up a super performance which led the audience to break into rapturous
applause. ____________________
10. Please give some constructive advise to us with regard to the matter.
11. My foots could not fit into the shoes. ____________________
12. The numbers of students play truant today. ____________________
13. My mum is kneeding dough , preparing to bake a cake for our family.
14. Development awareness of the importance of natural resources is a top priority.
15. Edwards opponent in the final game was much bigger and stronger than him.
16. The refugee claimed to have been persecuted in his own country. ____________________
17. I bet my last dollar that Guat Lee had bited off more than she could chew.
18. Charlie Cheng was standing besides me at the moment but I could not recognize him.
19. I brought the precious book at sixty pence. ____________________
20. I cloud not afford to buy it for such a high price. ____________________
21. Virus from third world countries are a major concern. ____________________
22. Are the mere pair of tweezers in this drawer? ____________________
23. A tremendously amount of work has gone into the project. ____________________
24. The watch is horrendous expensive so I decided not to buy it. ____________________
25. Among the ladies, unequivocally I will choose the prettier. ____________________

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