Developmental Management Approach at

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Developmental Management

Approach At
What do THPS Students know
about Rights and Responsibilities?

As a staff member at THPS, what do you
know about the Developmental
Management Approach and how do you
implement it in your
At THPS, we have a whole school
approach to behaviour management.
How would you describe our

Our behaviour management programs involves students being
made aware of their rights and responsibilities as well as drawing on
our school values

We base our approach on referent power as opposed to coercive
power and our aim is build an environment of communal
responsibility within the classroom

Whole school consistent approach

Each student is aware of and takes ownership of their rights

All students have an understanding of the expectations while at

Very clear and visual to all students and staff

We demonstrate a whole school
approach towards behaviour
management by:
5 step process its your choice. Visual and consistent

Positive praise eg: student of the week and golden tickets

Creating a code of conduct, completing You Can Do It weekly and
the TEAM Learning Program

Follow up conversations and reflection time

Same language is used across the whole school

Student management tool (SMT) is being used more consistently to
formally record incidents in regards to behaviour

What strategies do you use to manage
student behaviour in your classroom?

Hinting, non verbal cues

Reinforce positive behaviour

Consistent language

Refer back to rights and responsibilities and code of conduct

Rights and responsibilities displayed in classroom

5 step process

Collective responsibility

Having a shared goal of the week and reminding students of that

Individual behaviour charts for children with high needs

Regular individual and class discussions

Follow up discussions with students who are not responding to teachers and students rights

Time for students to reflect on behaviour

Students are spoken to in regards to their behaviour and how it affects others

Build a relationship that is based on trust and respect by being approachable and trying to maintain
a calm adult tone

Record three areas of improvement in
terms of the DMA approach that we
implement at THPS in 2014
Change 5 step process to a more positive approach eg: can move back to green if
making positive choice

5 step process, ability to earn their way back to green?

Consideration for students where the 5 step process does not work different
expectations, fair for others?

Looking at strategies for students who always make it to yellow or orange every

Whole school management approach for students who dont fit in with the 5 step

Concern for some behaviour in the playground and making sure the consequences
are consistent

Clearer expectations for behaviour outside

Behaviours on yard, what behaviours get red tickets? And time outs?

More time out areas, very difficult to organise if you are on the oval

Photos of DMA at THPS

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